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Found 10 results

  1. I am interested in finding out what exotic feeder materials are out there. I have seen the plastic and ebony versions, but I wonder if a feeder could be made of different materials and even metal? Do the manufacturing process and cost mean that metal is not a good choice for a feeder? Does the surface finish of metal not work well for a feeder? I would love to know anyone's ideas and thoughts about feeder materials. Thanks!
  2. Hello, Hope you are doing well. I'm interested in finding the best components of Fountain Pen such as Nibs, Brass tubes, Resin tubes, Feed, Ink Collector, Ink Converter, Inner Barrel and other inserts. Preferably in the Asian market. Any recommendation? Thanks
  3. A couple of days ago I received my Pilot Custom Heritage 912 with Falcon nib. It doesn't seem to suffer from skippings or hard starts but it does seem too wet to me. On Rhodia paper it works fine, although it takes quite a while to dry. I used a Hiroshizuku Shin-Kai ink. The problem is that on Leuchturm notebook paper it produces an unpleasant bleeding. Is this ink too wet? Would this problem improve with an ebonite feeder? Has this happened to anyone? Thanks
  4. I just received a MB 149 platinum body with no nib and feeder since I already had those two items. The collar was already inserted. The feed goes in until it hits the bottom and the horizontal notch on the nib is just above the barrel. The nib goes in very quickly and when it hits the bottom of the collar, the feeder is the same if not little longer that the nib. I have 4 other MBs and changed nib/feeder with the MB platinum resulting in the same situation: the nib/feeder is too loose for the platinum collar. Questions: Do I need to get a different nib or a feeder (I have plastic feeder similar to the pictures of Platinum on websites)? do I need to get a different feeder? if so will it fit into the Platinum? Thank you for considering my questions. Hal
  5. theitalianguy

    Dry Ink Flow

    Dear community, for sure this issue has been discussed somewhere in the 89 pages of this forum. I apologize if I re-propose it again. My "brand" pens, with original unit (feeder and nib), work flawlessly. Great, generous and just the right amount of ink. My "restored" ones don't. Basically they all suffer from poor ink flow. As a user, I buy old pens and I put new feeder and nib. Nibs are the good ones, Knox, Artisan State. Feeders, I never paid too much attention, but I'm now since they all have just one tiny ink drain, and that could possibly cause the dryness. I checked a feeder from a good "brand" pen, and it had 3 drains instead of one. If this is the case, should I look for these multi-drain feeders? I haven't seen them around, where do they sell? Is this "the" solution? I can tell I adjust my nibs, I align the tines, with the correct separation, correct tiny space between nib and feeder for a good ink flow, etc.. so I think I'm ok on that side. Ink wise, I've tried all kind of brands, Montblanc, Private Reserve, Parker, Sheaffer, none gives the flow I need. So it's not an ink problem. Suggestions and help are very welcome. Thank you very much. Vieri
  6. Hey guys, I managed to ruin the feeder on one of my favorite Montblanc pens. It is similar to this one: https://arum24.es/product/montblanc-noblesse-oblige-raj1556/?lang=en 1) I have no experience in repairing pens. Would changing the feeder be a doable task for me? 2) What tools to I need? I can only find 146/149 - series remover tools on eBay. This is a 522 nib. Thanks a load in advance! /Law
  7. Hi, I take it "Alimentador" just means ink feeder in the world of Mont Blanc 149 fountain pens? I've noticed that 149's can come with a variety of feeders and I'm wondering what that's all about. Do some deliver ink to the tip better than others? Another thing is the ebonite feeder as opposed to the plastic feeder. What's the difference if any? thanks, Robert
  8. I have a vintage Waterman fountain pen (approx. 28 years old). I do have pics but too large to attach here. I have broken the feeder and nib and was hoping someone on this site may have one of each that I can purchase. I will send pics in hope that it is recognized. It is a black lacquer finish with gold bands on the mid of the pen, cap and pocket clip. Let me know if someone on the network can help. Thank you Brad
  9. Does anyone know of Daniel Steiger fountain pens? They appear to be a watch/jeweler for men, and must have made some branded fountain pens at some point. I got one as a gift around 2010, and need a replacement nib/feeder, but can't find anything that fits and don't know what to look for in a generic nib/feeder anyway. If I knew the mfr of this pen I'd have an idea where to look, or if I knew how to know what size nib/feeder I have, I could look for a generic. Thanks for helping!
  10. Baenlynn

    Cleaning A Feeder Blockage

    So this is my pen, a woodcraft pen kit I bought from an acquaintance in the US a couple of years back. Only, due to lack of knowledge and inadequate cleaning on my part the feeder assembly has become clogged up. I've had it soaking in ammonia for four days now, and even forced a fair amount of liquid through it using the ink cartridge but the main channel in the feed is still blocked. It hasn't discoloured the ammonia solution in two days and since yesterday it's been blotting out clear whenever I shake it. But still, the ink won't feed on its own, and when I advance the cartridge manually it just seeps everywhere. Does anyone know if this particular style of nib/feeder assembly can be further disassembled and cleaned, or failing that, what else can I use to get at whatever is still inside the feeder assembly? Thanks in advance. ~ Baenlynn

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