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  1. Past hour
  2. AmandaW

    What pen(s) are you using today?

    Today a Lamy Studio Dark Brown EF filled with Diamine Triple Chocolate. This is to remind myself why I like the Studio so much, therefore succumbing to an Imperial Blue on sale this morning was a good idea.
  3. The challenge laying ahead for china pen gang is: from a village workshop to structural commerce entity. As of now, I see no evident trace of any existing companies with competence of such. Developmet stage of Chinese pen at the moment is much like the Japanese beofre 1980s or earlier. Current "good value, best of buck" image of China pen mostly up to current over capacity of domestic resources starting from 2008. Pricing of Japanese pen is a perfect example of reasonable pricing under free market. There is only one Chinese maker, which shall remain nameless, is paving a structural landscape, but suffers from restrained resources (who doesn't?). Anyway, maybe the beauty of pen business is staying small.
  4. chromantic

    Adding To The Flock

    I have a grey-striped 400 (circa '50-'56) on the way.
  5. After losing out on a Pelikan 140 in Burgundy because I didn't read the Valentina's newsletter when it arrived, I opened the new one right away. Only one Pelikan this time - grey-striped 400, circa '50-'56, "very rare color, very collectible" with "old style" Pelikan graphics on nib (M). At first glance, in the photos it looks like the usual green-striped but looking closer you can see that it is different; will probably be more obvious in person.
  6. Today
  7. IThinkIHaveAProblem

    What is on your bench?

    Thanks. Got it done. Tines were too tight. I had checked earlier today after my previous post, could barely get a brass shim in there. May have been my fault during disassembly or reassembly last night. I mean it has some decent wear and tear, and had dried ink in it so in all likelihood, it wrote fine when put away and forgotten about all that time ago so likely the problem was caused by me during my thorough cleaning. Took it apart again, cleaned it, removed the nib, spread the tines a bit, checked alignment, threw it back together and just like that, a nice wet writer.
  8. kestrel

    Empire Fountain Pens

    The modern Conklin company has a model called the Empire but that is probably not what you are looking for. Back in the 1920s Conway Stewart made several models whose only barrel imprint was "The Empire Pen." There is some information in this thread: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/2976-the-empire-pen/
  9. Penguincollector

    If you love the Perkeo nib...

    I’m glad you found your way to the Watermans, @Nightjar! I was going to suggest a 52 of some sort. I have some 52 1/2V ring tops, they were about $45-50 US each, and both write similarly to your description of the Perkeo. My regular 52 was about twice that amount, but if you’re not looking for flex, they aren’t as expensive.
  10. FarmBoy

    Repair broken nib

    For me it matters what the desired end result is. If it is to write with it replace the nib or get another pen. If it is to preserve history get it repaired.
  11. A Lamy Studio Imperial Blue with an EF nib. One of those has been lurking on my wish list for a while and out of the blue an Amazon bargain popped up... too good to pass up.
  12. Today’s pen of the day is a TWSBI Eco in Persian Green with 1.1mm stub nib filled with Lamy Crystal Topaz ink.
  13. about her Schadenfreude
  14. @Gloucesterman wow, they used to offer 2 for 1 deals?! That would have been a dream to redeem. I’m doing my best to avoid paying full price for current True Writer fountain pens.
  15. It's also available with a fine nib. A bit harder to find, but they are out there.
  16. ...I must admit; this one looks rather quite nice... 🫣
  17. inkstainedruth

    Empire Fountain Pens

    I did a quick Google search, and the top hits were for some company that apparently makes ballpoints (possibly for custom imprints for businesses and such). Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth
  18. lamarax

    Worst Birthday Ever

    Oh wow! Nobody show this to Montblanc; they might be copying it and charge ~5,000€ for their upcoming special 'heritage edition' 😛 Congrats! ❤️
  19. Misfit

    True Writer Pen Collection - So Far

    I know what you mean about the website jumping, timing out, resetting. If I try to increase the size, it does that jump thing and resets. Reddit does that a lot too. I’ll get down a ways, and it will encounter a problem, taking the page back to the top. It’s frustrating because it happens every time I look at Reddit.
  20. es9

    What is on your bench?

    Two likely culprits: baby bottom or the tines are too close together. Check for both. The former is harder to fix. For the latter, start by making sure the feed and shell are appropriately spaced/heat-pressed. If the tines still touch at the tip, gently space them out just a little.
  21. inkstainedruth

    Montblanc Celadon Degrade Meisterstück Solitaire LeGrand Fountain Pen

    @Mark from Yorkshire I'll admit that I saw the header for this thread (and the name of the pen) and my mind went the SAME direction you did.... Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth
  22. IknowWrite

    Replace mother of pearl taper on John Holland dip pen?

    Had to look that up…but thank you!
  23. antares1966

    What pen(s) are you using today?

    Pilot Metal Falcon, F nib, with Aurora Black. My oldest pen by far.
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