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  1. This is a long-term review meaning that it is based on roughly 18 months experience with the particular pen. Pilot 78g Broad (stub): After enjoying playing with my 1.1mm Lamy Joy, I thought it would be nice to add some other italic pens to my collection. The Lamy 1.1mm nib is smooth and pleasant to write with, but lacks sharp line variation and is, perhaps, a touch too broad for extensive notetaking. Based on my experience with Japanese nibs running thinner than western, I gambled that the Pilot 78g might serve this purpose better. So I bought a green one from Speerbob (great eBay seller, no affiliation) for $20 hoping that I would be happy. The pen arrived in a Pilot labeled cardboard box enclosed in a ziploc bag, also labeled Pilot. This is about what I was expecting, so I was not fussed by the utilitarian packaging. The pen did not come with a cartridge but did come with a Con-20 converter--a very nice touch for a pen at this price point. The Con-20, as most know, is not one of the better converters on the market, but it works well enough. Rant: Why are western pen companies so stingy with converters? It drives me nuts that when I buy a Safari, Vista, or Joy I have to plunk down an extra $6 for a converter--more than the cost of many Chinese pens that come with converters. To me, a converter is an essential part of the pen. I want to use bottled ink and that requires a converter. It's like selling a car and not including headlights since, after all, you don't have to drive at night. Lamy is not the only company guilty of this. Pelikan provides no converters for their inexpensive pens, nor does Parker or Sheaffer. The worst offender is Cross: I recently bought their Special Edition Year of the Dragon pen. It's a beautiful pen and not especially cheap, but they didn't bother to include a converter!! End of Rant The moment of truth--inking the pen up and taking it for its maiden voyage--was something to look forward to. I filled it with Pelikan Konigsblau and gave it a go. The 78g broad is a wonderful pen. It produced a finer line than the 1.1mm Lamy and good variation. Smooth and effortless to use, it is a medium writer in terms of wetness and worked well for the cursive italic style that I favor. (Thank goodness for the Dubay and Getty book Write Now that taught me how to do this as my previous handwriting was spectacularly awful.) I also tried out foundational and half-uncial with good results as well. What I want out of italic pens is the ability to use them to liven up my everyday handwriting. This means they must work when writing at speed, and they cannot be too fussy about the location of the sweet spot nor too sharp that paper gets torn when writing quickly. In those terms, the 78g is masterful. Of course, the compromise is that the thin part of the line is not as thin as what one can achieve with dip pen nibs nor are the wedge serifs in half-uncial as crisp as they might be, but for someone looking to pretty up their basic handwriting, it is excellent. This pen took its place in the #1 slot of my travel rotation. These pens live in a small case in my backpack and travel with me wherever I go. To be effective in this role, a pen needs to be cheap enough that it can be replaced if lost, which occasionally happens. It needs to be tough enough to get bounced around. It also needs to be continent enough that it does not leak when jostled. An ideal pen for the role should also be able to fly without problems. The 78g has performed well in all of these dimensions. It does not leak when jostled and flies extremely well--I've never had an ink explosion while flying with it many times and at various levels of fullness. It does, however, have one drawback for traveling: because it uses proprietary Pilot cartridges, it requires its own supply of cartridges for long trips apart from the usual supply of international carts I regularly carry. Having used the pen for more than a year, it has acquitted itself extremely well. No signs of surface wear or other problems. The plating is still fine both on the furniture and on the nib itself. No functional problems with the nib or converter despite active use of both. The pen shows no tendency to dry out or become a hard starter even with weeklong periods of lack of use. For $20, the pen is an exceptional value for those looking for an easygoing italic/stub nib and some modicum of classiness. Cheaper italics, including the Pilot Pluminix can be had, though the weird shape and design of the Pluminix make it questionable for business use. The biggest drawback will be felt by those looking for extreme line variation, say running from EF to BBB. The 78g cannot supply this variation--it is more like F to BB (i.e. a stub). For those looking for the ultimate in fit and finish, the pen will also disappoint. The plastic is neither the most lustrous nor the highest grade. The furniture is functional but not spectacular. At its core, it is a utilitarian pen, comparable to the Lamy Safari and the like. Finally, for those who want their pens to have heft, it will disappoint, The all light-plastic construction makes the pen feather light. I find this to be perfectly fine and, indeed, a design plus for long writing sessions without fatigue. But others may prefer something a bit heavier.
  2. Would a Pilot 78G BB or B be suitable for these hands? If not, could you recommend an alternative in the same price range? I know I've seen it chiefly recommended for Italic hands, but Pickering mentions a Rotring Art pen with a sharpened nib in his exemplar and those seem to be primarily used for Italic penmanship as well. Since the hands don't have massive variations in lineweight, I don't think I'll need it either, though it's possible they're subtle and I just don't yet have the eye to pick up on them. http://www.jp29.org/00cal03.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Bracciolini_-_ita%2C_neli_anni_di_Cristo_MCCCCLXXVI_a_octo_di_marzo_-_540471.jpg
  3. shethkapil

    Pilot 78G Lovers

    Hello Friends, After using Pilot 78gs as a EDC and owning all 4 colours and all nib types, I am keen to know what all of you here opine on it. Good bad fair or whatever just express it and drop in your personal 78g images if you can. I have been using them and liking them since quite some time. Here are 2 of mines in the pic...
  4. Vecchia_Guardia_Stilografica

    Pilot 78 G - Nib F And Nib M - Handwriting - Italian Video

    Interested in Pilot 78G nib M or nib F but you do not speak english well? If you can understand italian, by any chance, Watch my youtube video in italian, in my youtube fountain pens rewiews italian channel "Vecchia Guardia Stilografica".
  5. I recently got a Pilot Metropolitan for the first time - and I can see what so many people mean when they've said it is a bargain for the price. It's beautiful, a nice thickness, substantial feel... But for my small hands, a little too substantial - it feels too heavy for me, especially when posted, to be comfortable for long writing sessions. I fell in love with the nib, which is working fantastically, so I unscrewed the section and screwed it into my 78G (formerly having a B stub nib I just couldn't get on with). The 78G is light and comfortable to write with, but it does definitely feel like cheap plastic and the body is thinner than I'd ideally like. Are there any pen bodies I could swap the Metro nib into, that would be heavier/better-quality material than the 78G, but not as heavy(/back-heavy) as the Metro? I was thinking the Prera might fit the bill - can any Prera owners weigh in on its weight and how it feels when posted?
  6. I recently received a Pilot 78g from Goodpens here on the forums. I was thinking about converting it to an ED because it is my favorite for all my long writing sessions (Essays and minor research on wearable technology). The squeeze converter doesn't hold enough ink and refilling so often is kind of a pain. I have seen older posts here on FPN and Badger and Blade about it and it seems all you need is a pen body with no holes,an o-ring and silicone grease. I have the first two but have looked at my local hardware stores and I can only find the silicone-based caulk which i know is advised against. Can you use something like a organic beeswax or Chapstick( a wax based lip balm)? I am very new to these things so any advice offered would be appreciated. I look forward to some help and suggestions!
  7. Today there was a knock on the door and then…joy!
  8. Tom Traubert

    Pilot 78G Question

    Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere. If it has, I won't be offended by a cursory link in that direction. My Pilot 78g has spent the last few months confined to a drawer after becoming scratchy and rubbish. I'd been using a Con 50 and had tried a variety of inks. Despite it being my cheapest pen by a good £10 I missed it dearly so I popped one of the proprietary black cartridges in last night and, lo and behold, it's smooth and beautiful again. I promptly ordered a pack of red Pilot cartridges and am looking forward to bringing it into my marking rotation*. So my question is this: has this happened to anyone else? Unrelated: I'm waiting for Bronze Lizard MR (Metropolitan to you guys) that will be used with Diamine Imperial Purple cartridges. Quite excited. *I divide the number of items I have to mark by the number of pens currently holding ink on the broadly red spectrum (runs from Magenta - Oxblood via Ancient Copper) and keep myself motivated with the promise of a new colour every X books/papers. Is this nerdy? I don't care...
  9. JustWrite Pen Company

    Pilot 78G Fountain Pens In Australia At Justwrite

    We've just got a shipment of these great little fountain pens from Japan in black, green, maroon and teal with broad, medium and fine nibs. $21.00 each or all four for $67.00 with a choice of nib for each one. Postage is $5.00 within Australia per order. We've also got cartridges for them.

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