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Found 5 results

  1. I came across this online article from a publication I was not familiar with (inside Hook) about Montegrappa offering pen customization options from their web site. Very strangely, the author who had some knowledge of fountain pens and collecting, made no mention of the many smaller pen manufacturers who have been doing this for some time. The piece made it made it sound like this was an entirely novel business concept. Perhaps it is for large pen companies (I have no idea how big Montegrappa is in comparison to other manufacturers) but it's not a new idea. I looked for a way to contact the author, but saw no easy method to do so. An odd and unfortunate omission in the article.
  2. Expressions

    Introducing Toronto Pen Company

    Hello all, I would like to introduce Toronto Pen Company to the good folks of this community. My name is Salman Khattak and am usually found moderating the Calligraphy forums (as 'smk'). I started this venture (Toronto Pen Company) last year to provide pen tuning and custom nib grinding services to the local community. I have been lucky to receive great support from fountain pen enthusiasts from all over Canada (and abroad). I recently realized that I never updated my profile on FPN to announce all this - hence this post. Details of the nib grinds I offer: TorontoPenCompany.com/prices--process.html Some writing samples: TorontoPenCompany.com/writing-samples.html Store: TorontoPenCompany.com/store.html I also offer Calligraphy workshops from time to time as well as custom Calligraphy services. I am working on a line of greeting cards that should be out soon - I will make sure to make an announcement here when the time comes :-) - Salman
  3. I don't own any of the TWSBi pens, but just based on the number entries I see here at FPN, I get the impression that a lot of TWSBi owners look to customize their pens with various changes of nibs etc. So this is directed to TWSBi owners: is my perception correct or am I just deluded? Just curious.
  4. I recently spent a few hours working on my good ole' ebonite Noodlers Konrad. I hadn't used this pen for quite a while and wanted to spice things up a bit. The changes I made (and highly recommend) are as follows: 1) the "easy my flex" mod, were you grind a portion off the sides of the nib as seen in the picture. 2) I doubled the depth/width of the feed channel, which managed to eliminate almost all railroading except on very aggressive downstrokes. and 3) I reground the tip to an XXXF needlepoint. I don't know how to measure the actual degree of fineness I achieved with this grind, but ill tell you it is so sharp that I may just use it to sew some new underpants. I don't by any means consider myself an experienced nib-alter-er-er, but it wasn't too difficult to shave the sides and smooth the tip with 8000, 12000 and 16000 grit polishing sandpaper. Anyways, here are some pictures of my work (and first attempt calligraphy); please comment if you have any questions, suggestions or have tried the same thing during your nib-related adventures. Enjoy.
  5. Hi, I'm new here but I was reading all the topics in this forum. I just ended up ordering Platinum Music Nib with cursive italic customization and wonder to know if someone else already have this pen to ask about. Best regards

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