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Lamy 2000 Too Wet -- How Do I Reduce Flow?


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I have a Lamy 2000 with Cursive Italic grind on the (originally) Broad nib. I find that it is way too wet for the smooth papers such as Tomoe River that I like.


Is there a good way to reduce the flow without disassembling the pen, pulling the nib out of the hood, tweaking, reassembling it to test, and repeating all this until I get it right?





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Have you considered using drier inks? For example, in my experience, Pelikan 4001 inks are great for taming very wet nibs.

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Yep, my Lamy 2000 acts much the same. Using Pelikan 4001 is a good first try. Also, a good iron-gall ink, such as Rohrer und Klingner Salix or Scabiosa, lessens the flow a bit more. As for tweaking the nib and feed, well, after a bit you approach the limit of diminishing returns. In other words, it isn't worth it after a few tries. Be especially careful of bending the nib. The gold in the nib is soft and somewhat flexible, will introduce an uneven flow. Other good iron gall inks are also around, ESSRI and the KWZ inks coming to mind.


I have had my Lamy 2000 Broad, reground to a cursive italic, for about ten years now. A wonderful pen, but I'm looking at replacing my nib. It has some funny kinks in it due to being dropped and the grind touched up about three times now. If I had my choice, I would replace the gold nib with a good stainless steel nib of equal quality. Wishing you better luck with your pen.




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