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Looking For Opinions On Attemped Flourishing


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I'm in a bit of hurry, since I'm not on my own computer, so I'll have to make this post quick.


I am trying to figure out how I would like to write my name on a stamp I am making (homemade stamp, I didn't find one I liked pre-made, and buying an expensive custom is impossible atm), so I figured out something that doesn't look too bad and wrote it down with my dip nib (no fp or pencil could help me with this task!).

Please excuse the photo, I took it with my phone and used paint to erase whatever was around my writing.

Could you please tell me your opinions? And perhaps, suggest corrections?

Remember, it's my very first try xD







Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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FPN is behaving weirdly on this comp.


Please excuse the way this post is formatted. It looked different when I was writing it.


Please remember this is how it's going to be put on the stamp, hence why it's mirrored.

If anyone cannot, for some reason, view the image, this is a link to it (cannot actually make it a link, so you'd have to copy and paste it into the address bar)


Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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I think you will have much better results writing your name the right way around. Placing it face up on the stamp material will automatically create a reverse image that you can then cut out. If you have to have a reverse image, you can always scan it and flip the image using your computer or phone.


Here are the basics you should shoot for:


1. The letters in your name should be evenly spaced and should be of uniform height.

2. The flourishing should not overshadow the writing.

3. The flourishing should be balanced.




- Salman

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Thank you, Salman. I can't really place the paper on the stamp material to create a reverse image, since my ink dries too fast... I caouldn't also look trough the paper, since it doesn't show up on the other side.. Could you explain what do you mean by balanced flourishing? I have no idea what am I doing with this, so I would really appreciate some in depth guidelines. Thank you.

Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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Happy to help Skylar.


Think of each line or swirl in your flourishing as having some weight (i.e. visual weight). Thick lines (or swells) appear heavier than thin lines (hairlines). You just need to arrange the thick and thin lines so they create an overall balance. In your example above, you have the curly lines on the right side and the bottom right while the side with the 'lar' is light and airy - the arrangement therefore lacks balance.


BTW - it is normal practice to try out your flourishing patterns in pencil first (e.g. here and here). You can ink over the pencil lines when you are happy with the arrangement. Also, there is nothing wrong with looking at examples on the internet and picking out the patterns you like and replicating them. Look for examples of flourishing in The Universal Penman - you'll find lots of examples by searching for it on the internet.


- Salman

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Thank you, again! I will look into it :) I haven't noticed the lack of balance, so I'm glad you pointed it out. I have been trying to create something with a pencil, but I just couldn't get anywhere with that... I have been looking at examples, but everything I found was either too fancy, too hard to replicate, or too big to fit (now that I'm thinking of it, I couldn't ever fit my own design...). What do you think about the Korean one? I found simply writing my Korean name to be a bit boring, but I don't know if something like this would be acceptable, since I don't know much about calligraphy, nor do I know the rules of Asian calligraphy.

Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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Maybe try a broad-edged style for your name - it might fit better in the space you have.


I have no idea of Korean Calligraphy - I didn't even know what it was until you mentioned it above :-) Maybe someone with knowledge in that area will weigh in.


Have you tried writing your name in Hieroglyphics? That will make an interesting stamp IMO.



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Maybe try a broad-edged style for your name - it might fit better in the space you have.


I have no idea of Korean Calligraphy - I didn't even know what it was until you mentioned it above :-) Maybe someone with knowledge in that area will weigh in.


Have you tried writing your name in Hieroglyphics? That will make an interesting stamp IMO.



Broad edged style? what is that? Also, hieroglyphics? I'm not familiar with those words ^^" I would look it up but at the moment I can smell my computer burning, so I rather not give it heavy tasks.

Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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To get your flourishing to look right, you might want to look at http://www.iampeth.com/books/bloser/bloser_index.php . I don't know if this is the definite text, but it's certainly helped me better understand pointed pen work.

The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publications, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published. Every freeman has an undoubted right to lay what sentiments he pleases before the public; to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press; but if he publishes what is improper, mischievous or illegal, he must take the consequence of his own temerity. (4 Bl. Com. 151, 152.) Blackstone's Commentaries

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To get your flourishing to look right, you might want to look at http://www.iampeth.com/books/bloser/bloser_index.php . I don't know if this is the definite text, but it's certainly helped me better understand pointed pen work.

Thank you, I'll look at this :)

Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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So, I tried again, and this time it's more simple.. I still have no idea how do I do these flourishes.. I was trying to do what's in this picture, top left under the flower.

The lettering isn't perfect, this is simply a try, so nothing too fancy. I think is looks much better that what it looked like in the original picture, much simpler, and more compact. I also changed the R after reading the 'r' debate in this forum. I finally figured out how to write my fave R!

Either ways, here's the picture.



Whatever you have to say, please do. I'll appreciate any kind of help.


Just to show the stamp (as it is right now), so you could get an idea of how it'll be: (the English name will go in one corner, the Korean name will go in the other)


It is, indeed, an impression of a shell. I wanted to use a different shell, but the curve was too steep, so it went too deep.

Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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I flipped it.


As smk said, you'll be much better off writing it the right way. I don't know about you but I find it very difficult to judge something when mirrored, because it's so different from what I'm used to. Also, I think you could benefit from having guides of some sort, then erasing or editing them out later.


As far as Korean, is that supposed to say 간이연? I think it would be easier to read if the ㅇ were solid or almost solid.


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I flipped it.


As smk said, you'll be much better off writing it the right way. I don't know about you but I find it very difficult to judge something when mirrored, because it's so different from what I'm used to. Also, I think you could benefit from having guides of some sort, then erasing or editing them out later.


As far as Korean, is that supposed to say 간이연? I think it would be easier to read if the ㅇ were solid or almost solid.

Yeah, I tried again, wrote it properly, and tried a different design. It's in the post above. I tried to have guides, but it's really hard to do that when you don't have the flex of a nib... I couldn't do anything with a pencil, so I kept trying with the pen ^^" I was never good at drawing really... In Korean my name is 간미연, which is what I tried to write. I suppose the 미 kinda does look like 이... I'll give it another try :) Thank you for your replies!

Hey! I'm Skylar! I am quite new to all of this, but am a very friendly person :3
If you wanna exchange snail-mail, my 'about me' in on page 51 on the snail mail list, and if you like what you see - pm me!

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You might look at Kwon, Myoung-won here:


That is nice hangul with a broad brush.

Edited by WestLothian
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So that was "Mi". (Can't type Hangul right now.) AFAIK rectangles became something like n in Latin so if you wanted to Copperplateize Hangul you could try doing that, e.g. "nǀ" for "Mi".


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