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Debbie Ohi's Inky Journal

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Doodles, comics & illustrated adventures of a fountain pen fan

Entries in this blog

Comic Inspired By Spectp And Iswkaputnik On Fpn :-)

Thanks to FPN users SpecTP and ISWKaputnik for inspiring this comic! You can see the full thread here: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/349339-anyone-else-feel-like-this-when-it-comes-to-their-most-beloved-pen/ And thanks again to mishiechau for selling her used Pilot Custom 823 (FA nib) to me!



Thank You, Sailor Kenshin!

Thanks to my penpal Sailor Kenshin for sending me this fun UPS fountain pen! I filled it with some KWZ Sheen Machine (from BauerInks.ca). Sailor also sent me a Jinhao Shark with a fude nib (I need to figure out how to use this properly). THANK YOU, SAILOR!



New Eyes, New Pen! (Pilot Custom 823 With Fa Nib)

Apologies for the dearth of entries this past year. Many reasons, but double eye surgery was one of them. If you want to know more, here's my blog post. Many out-of-town trips (mostly work but some personal) combined with work deadlines resulted in my poor pens (and snailmail correspondences) being neglected. I just recently was able to do a proper pen cleaning and have started catching up on snailmail again. And one of the pens I'm finally able to use is my Pilot Custom 823 with FA nib, acq



My First Pen Review: Monteverde Giant Sequoia

Thanks to PenChalet.com for sending me a Monteverde Giant Sequoia to review. This is my very first pen review! It's probably not going to be your typical review, however, since I tend to use my fountain pens for drawing (I write and draw children's books for a living) as well as writing. First off, the pen is GORGEOUS: The shimmery brown really did look like a highly polished wood. It came in this classy-looking Monteverde box: And here's what the pen looks like inside the box: As



Trying Out My New Monteverde Giant Sequoia (Thanks, Pen Chalet!)

Pen Chalet kindly sent me a Monteverde Giant Sequoia. It is gorgeous, and I immediately had to ink it up with some Robert Oster Caffé Crema for a quick doodle. I'll be posting a proper review once I've had a chance to try it out for a while. THANK YOU, PEN CHALET! I lovelovelove my new pen. It was easy to fill, started up with no problems, love how it doodles.



Need Advice: Leaky Fingers From My Noodler's Ahab?

Hi all, I'm giving my Noodler's Ahab another go. I like the bit of flex it gives, and I don't have to worry about springing the nib (I do have nicer pens now, so am aware of the difference). BUT it always ALWAYS leaks on my middle finger (see photo). I've tried adding silicone grease to the bit where the body connects with the writing bit. Any other advice? Thanks kindly! p.s. For the drawing above, I used Noodler's Black Swan In Australian Roses, one of my new favourite inks.



Trying Montblanc Lavender Purple In My Edison Nouveau Premiere Seaglass

Inked up my Edison Nouveau Premiere Seaglass (a gift from my husband Jeff) with some new ink I acquired from my fountain pen enabler friend, mishie. Used a water brush to smear the ink around a bit. This is my first Mont Blanc ink, and I'm fascinated by the bottle shape. Does anyone know if this shape customized for Mont Blanc pens? Or just for an interesting design? Anyway, it's a beautiful colour and I'd like to try this in one of my pens with a broader nib to see how it shades.



Trying Out Sailor Jentle Sky High & Reconnecting With My Noodler's Ahab

Inked up my Noodler's Ahab with the new Sailor's Jentle Sky High ink I recently acquired from mishie (aka Fountain Pen Obsession Enabler). When I first bought my Ahab from Wonder Pens, I confess I was not enamoured because the nib required too much fiddling (I had been warned about the Ahab but I still wanted to try it). So I de-inked & cleaned it, set it aside for several months. Took it out yesterday to try again...and LO AND BEHOLD, I love it. It takes more pressure than my beloved Pilot



My Husband Gave Me A Turquoise Twsbi Diamond 580Al!

I inked up my TWSBI (my first TWSBI!) with Iroshizuku Syo-Ro and created this wee doodle. The Pilot Falcon is still my favourite writing experience, but I'm too paranoid to take with me travelling in case I lose it or someone I meet along the way (young readers, etc.) accidentally hurts my gold nib. The TWSBI is a pen I can take out to jot notes without feeling I have to be super-careful. I would be disappointed and sad if I lost it, but as much as if I lost my Pilot Falcon. I ended up not t



Thank You, Ralfstc!

Thanks SO much to ralfstc, who sent me this pen, which I LOVE: from researching online, I believe it's a Waterman's 352 Stalwart, made in Canada in the 1940's. According to ralfstc, the nib was modified by John Sorowka (Oxonian). Ralf sent me this pen in thanks for a fountain pen drawing I sent him which was in thanks for the sample of Lamy Dark Lilac he sent me. :-) I love fountain pen people! It's my first Waterman and also my first pen with an ink sac - I had to look up online how to us



Visiting The Fountain Pen Hospital In Manhattan

I had a chance to visit the Fountain Pen Hospital (http://fountainpenhospital.com) in Manhattan earlier this week. WOW!!! It's pretty amazing. Had a great conversation with Joseph, who has been working there for 16 years. I tried out a Sailor 1911 with a music nib & some other pens, browsed the gorgeous pens in the showcases, salivated over all the inks and notebooks. I resisted buying any new pens, mainly because (1) I want to get to know my new Pilot Falcon better before considering o



Visiting Cw Pencils In Manhattan

A couple of weeks ago, I posted on the forums saying that I was going to NYC for work but had a few extra hours to wander about, and asked if anyone had any suggestions about where I should go. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice! One of the places I visited was CW Pencils on 100 Forsyth St. ( https://cwpencils.com ). It's a tiny shop but WOW, does it have a lot of different pencils! I asked the clerk for advice and she put out a bunch of sample pencils for me to try as well as a tes



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