As I mentioned on another thread, I dropped two Waterman Phileas pens onto the sidewalk. As RMN wryly observed: "Murphy's first law for fountain pen owners. The chance a pen drops nib down on concrete is proportional to it's value..." That was painfully true for me. I have checked with several of the best nibmeisters. None that I found would repair a steel nib (which the Phileas has, despite some gold plating). Nor do they do repair/replacements on the Phileas because the pen—and therefore the nibs—are no longer made. I know that the Kultur and Harley use similar barrels and tips, but I would like to repair what I've got if possible. So....I am taking the advice of Sailor Kenshin and asking if anyone can suggest a fix. There are three pens in the photo, but one is a perfectly new nib just for comparison purposes. I made amateur attempts to straighten the other two nibs, which did not result in either being useable. HELP!