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Mont Blanc Ceramic Starwalker Review


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First Impressions (9.5/10): This is my first MB. I was somewhat jaded by the whole idea that they had over-reached with their widely varied product line, and waited forever to buy one. But the Starwalker Ceramic just looked so good. Never saw one in person... only pics at Worldlux and other venders. So when Worldlux offered it at a fairly reasonable price (about 1500 USD), and knowing it WAS returnable (whew!) I went ahead and "previewed it". Previewing is my term for deciding if I'll keep it for the duration of the return period.


Packaging (10/10): One friend said that you can tell how "dear"a pen (or anything) is by how many boxes it comes in. This pen must be VERY dear. Outermost box is corrugated cardboard. Very stout. Inside is a white corrugated sleeve, inside which is an elegant black single layer cardboard box, holding the black laquer (sp?)box holding the pen. Lots-O-boxes. The Black laquer (sp?) box is quite heavy, and REALLy beautiiful. Its got cast metal letters that say "Soulmakers for 100 years". They remain cold, whick leads me to think they are metal. A plaque on the front of the lid identifies this as No. 1060/1906. Very clean engraving, and while flashy, its still understated.


Appearance & Design (9.5/10) : This pen is so elegant, classy, and flashy while still remaining understated through some freak of nature. It *should* be over the top. But its not! The ceramic trimmed barrel is about the color of hematite, or ruthenium. 4 panels wrap around the body, with thin strips of platinum plated (or palladium - not sure which) metal between each. Simple and uncomplicated. The cap is fully plated and the clip is unique to this pen and the starwalker 100 (that costs a ton more). Its the only Starwalker clip design that makes any sense, because it eliminates that goofy step at the top of the normal starwalker clip, and replaces it with a very smooth arch. The arch so much better fits the shape and overall intent (modernity) of the pen. Then there's that sideways MB star near the tip of the clip... well integrated, and subtle. The diamond itself is floating happily in a clear resin gumdrop on top gf the cap. Its a larger diamond than seen in the starwalker special edition... perhaps the same as the starwalker 100, but never had a chance to compare yet. Sure glitters nicely under bright lights and the sun. WOW!


Weight & Dimensions (10/10): I like heavy and this is, particularly for such a small pen. These are really small pens! Very slender. Posted works better, as it creates a larger en overall, and fits the hand better.

Filling System (2/10): MB claims this is a cartridge pen only, and yet for a pen of this cost, they don't even include a stinkin cartridge! Unacceptable. They fill your Ferrari when you buy it, right ? (I'll never know, but they DID fill my Toyota with gass when I bought IT!). So, after having the pen for a long time (ok... less than a year), it came time for a road trip. Where DO you take a pen like this: Las Vegas! I've got a retired Mathematician friend there who grew up in Beverly Hills during the Great depression... Perfect destination. But no cartridges! (uh.. did I THANK MB already... I meant to!). So, I dug around and found a converter from a Ferrari Da Varese that fit perfectly! Having no idea if it would even seal, I filled it with Private Reserve Tanzanite ink. No leaks! hooray! So, if anyone is sick and tired of cartridges in their Starwalkers, there is another way.

Nib and performance (9/10) - Very wet, very smooth, and very even. Puts down ALOT of ink. Its fun to sign hotel check in data with it and then watch the ink get all smeared by less informed check-in help. (I know, I'm evil) However, on some paper types (still haven't isolated the type) it sounds like the nib is "squeaking" over the paper...really! Its an odd sensation, and a bit annoying, but since this is the only pen I have that does this, its become an endearing trait.

Cost & Value (?/10) – Honestly, this is one for every individual to decide. No way is 1500 cheap, so its tough to give a favorable rating for cost. Value however...(?) You DO get a lot of pen for your money. And it was way less than its ridiculous retail price. So value wise, I'd give Worldlux a 9/10 for offering it at a fair price.

Conclusion (Final score 9.5/10): Out in Jawbone Canyon near Redrock State Park, off of Highway 14 in SoCal, there is a hill I can still climb on my Honda XR650R. The hill looks unclimbable, and at a glance should merit a 10/10 for difficulty. Watching the uninitiated attempt to make it is wildly entertaining for all of teh folks who sit at the base of this monster and wait for a show. By virtue of the fact that I *can* make it alive, the hill only gets a 9.5/10 in my book. I shouldn't be able to climb it, but can! This pen is like that. Its a MB, so normally, I wouldn't like it. Its expensive, so I shouldn't like it. But its so very nice, and I CAN write with it, so I have to love it. But there's gotta be something out there nicer... so it gets only a 9.5/10. Can't wait to find that 10... or can I???


Sorry about no pics, but I'll have to read a bit more regarding how to make them available to youn'z from my MAC Mini... any easy step by step instructions would sure clear more time in my schedule to continue to pummel myself on that Honda!

Thanks everyone... I love to read reviews, and hope this one was useful and entertaining.


Your old pal, Bultaco.

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Very Nice! Loved reading your post...


Would love to get photographs, so hope you figure how to do that soon!



A merciful heart is the greatest of all possessions.

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Thanks for the review. Can't wait to see some photos!

Is this the "Cool Blue" Starwalker or something brand new?




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The platinum and black ceramic combination is elegant. Congrats!

To show photos, upload them onto www.photobucket.com (free).

Then copy the IMG code of the photo(s) and paste into the FPN message field.




Edited by jeen
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Its the Starwalker 1906. Here's a link to the Montblacc page showing pics of it, and discussing features.

After going to link, skip intro, select Anniversary Editions, then Writing Instruments, then Starwalker 1906.


The link: http://www.montblanc.com/special_100years.php


Hope this works till I can get photos for you.




That page is the most annoying abuse of Flash I've ever experienced.


Cool gonzo review, OP. If J. Peterman and a mellowed-out Hunter S. Thompson had a lovechild who wrote pen reviews, the result would be something like this.

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Hey Thanks! Very encouraging. What to ink *next* that could provide interesting fodder for another review? Maybe an Omas Invisibilis review, just after riding a 29er MTB around the lobby of LUXOR for as long as it takes to get kicked out?

Do they YELL AT YOU in Egyptian? One way to find out.

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First Impressions (9.5/10): This is my first MB. I was somewhat jaded by the whole idea that they had over-reached with their widely varied product line, and waited forever to buy one. But the Starwalker Ceramic just looked so good. Never saw one in person... only pics at Worldlux and other venders. So when Worldlux offered it at a fairly reasonable price (about 1500 USD), and knowing it WAS returnable (whew!) I went ahead and "previewed it". Previewing is my term for deciding if I'll keep it for the duration of the return period.











Packaging (10/10): One friend said that you can tell how "dear"a pen (or anything) is by how many boxes it comes in. This pen must be VERY dear. Outermost box is corrugated cardboard. Very stout. Inside is a white corrugated sleeve, inside which is an elegant black single layer cardboard box, holding the black laquer (sp?)box holding the pen. Lots-O-boxes. The Black laquer (sp?) box is quite heavy, and REALLy beautiiful. Its got cast metal letters that say "Soulmakers for 100 years". They remain cold, whick leads me to think they are metal. A plaque on the front of the lid identifies this as No. 1060/1906. Very clean engraving, and while flashy, its still understated.


Appearance & Design (9.5/10) : This pen is so elegant, classy, and flashy while still remaining understated through some freak of nature. It *should* be over the top. But its not! The ceramic trimmed barrel is about the color of hematite, or ruthenium. 4 panels wrap around the body, with thin strips of platinum plated (or palladium - not sure which) metal between each. Simple and uncomplicated. The cap is fully plated and the clip is unique to this pen and the starwalker 100 (that costs a ton more). Its the only Starwalker clip design that makes any sense, because it eliminates that goofy step at the top of the normal starwalker clip, and replaces it with a very smooth arch. The arch so much better fits the shape and overall intent (modernity) of the pen. Then there's that sideways MB star near the tip of the clip... well integrated, and subtle. The diamond itself is floating happily in a clear resin gumdrop on top gf the cap. Its a larger diamond than seen in the starwalker special edition... perhaps the same as the starwalker 100, but never had a chance to compare yet. Sure glitters nicely under bright lights and the sun. WOW!


Weight & Dimensions (10/10): I like heavy and this is, particularly for such a small pen. These are really small pens! Very slender. Posted works better, as it creates a larger en overall, and fits the hand better.

Filling System (2/10): MB claims this is a cartridge pen only, and yet for a pen of this cost, they don't even include a stinkin cartridge! Unacceptable. They fill your Ferrari when you buy it, right ? (I'll never know, but they DID fill my Toyota with gass when I bought IT!). So, after having the pen for a long time (ok... less than a year), it came time for a road trip. Where DO you take a pen like this: Las Vegas! I've got a retired Mathematician friend there who grew up in Beverly Hills during the Great depression... Perfect destination. But no cartridges! (uh.. did I THANK MB already... I meant to!). So, I dug around and found a converter from a Ferrari Da Varese that fit perfectly! Having no idea if it would even seal, I filled it with Private Reserve Tanzanite ink. No leaks! hooray! So, if anyone is sick and tired of cartridges in their Starwalkers, there is another way.

Nib and performance (9/10) - Very wet, very smooth, and very even. Puts down ALOT of ink. Its fun to sign hotel check in data with it and then watch the ink get all smeared by less informed check-in help. (I know, I'm evil) However, on some paper types (still haven't isolated the type) it sounds like the nib is "squeaking" over the paper...really! Its an odd sensation, and a bit annoying, but since this is the only pen I have that does this, its become an endearing trait.

Cost & Value (?/10) – Honestly, this is one for every individual to decide. No way is 1500 cheap, so its tough to give a favorable rating for cost. Value however...(?) You DO get a lot of pen for your money. And it was way less than its ridiculous retail price. So value wise, I'd give Worldlux a 9/10 for offering it at a fair price.

Conclusion (Final score 9.5/10): Out in Jawbone Canyon near Redrock State Park, off of Highway 14 in SoCal, there is a hill I can still climb on my Honda XR650R. The hill looks unclimbable, and at a glance should merit a 10/10 for difficulty. Watching the uninitiated attempt to make it is wildly entertaining for all of teh folks who sit at the base of this monster and wait for a show. By virtue of the fact that I *can* make it alive, the hill only gets a 9.5/10 in my book. I shouldn't be able to climb it, but can! This pen is like that. Its a MB, so normally, I wouldn't like it. Its expensive, so I shouldn't like it. But its so very nice, and I CAN write with it, so I have to love it. But there's gotta be something out there nicer... so it gets only a 9.5/10. Can't wait to find that 10... or can I???


Sorry about no pics, but I'll have to read a bit more regarding how to make them available to youn'z from my MAC Mini... any easy step by step instructions would sure clear more time in my schedule to continue to pummel myself on that Honda!

Thanks everyone... I love to read reviews, and hope this one was useful and entertaining.


Your old pal, Bultaco.


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Your math is wrong. According to your preview, your scores are: 10,9.5,9.5, 10, 2, and 9 = 50 out of a potential 60 (your ? is uncounted).


Actual score is only 8.3/10 - which is probably all too generous.


Unless you give them an extra mercy 1.2 points for allowing you to buy their precious (potty mouth) marketing.

Edited by Robert Hughes

The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.


~ Bernard Shaw.

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Yup, you're right. I really didn't bother to average, and used my own subjective ratings in all categories. As pretentious as the are regarded occasionally, this one is so simple and solid, its easy to like. Also, once adding the converter it holds more ink, which would improve its rating in the filling category, had I bothered to re-rate.

Edited by Bultaco
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  • 2 years later...

MB Pens, gaudy, strange looking, overrated, and overpriced!!!

Overpriced only for the ones without the financial means for them :ltcapd:

The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.

Blaise Pascal


Tell me about any of your new pens and help with fountain pen quality control research!

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Guest Subvet642

MB Pens, gaudy, strange looking, overrated, and overpriced!!!

Overpriced only for the ones without the financial means for them :ltcapd:


Once upon a time I used to think that they were over-rated too, until I got a fantastic deal on a Boheme. When I looked at it under a 10X loupe and saw for myself the fit and finish as well as how smooth the nib is, I was hooked.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, they´ve produced a Montblanc with the exquisite taste of a counterfeit, and they´re charging 1500 USD for it! Gotta love those guys at Hamburg.

Mi blog "Mis Plumas Fuente" contiene evaluaciones en lengua Castellana, muestras de escritura y fotografías originales de las plumas en mi colección.


Visítenos en http://misplumasfuente.wordpress.com/

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