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Fpn Store Open To Voters - Update June, 10 & 12



Dearest Members of the Board,

The FPN Pen Store has been officially open for the voters now for a week already, so in short a good time for an update and further news :D.



Update (Invoice Details):


There have been quite a few questions on the content of the invoice email and the actual pen(s) ordered, which don't show on the PayPal or the Invoice emails. There actually is a way to check the complete invoice, as we discovered. When you click on "Your profile" (member id at the top right of the window), and have access to the FPN Store, in the drop down list shown you will see the option "Client Area" at the bottom of this drop down list.


Clicking on "Client Area" will provide you with a new screen, with on the left hand side the options "Overview", "Purchases", "Invoices", "Support", "Alternate Contacts" and "Billing Information". These options allow you to manage any items you bought in the FPN Store at the different stages of the purchasing process.


If you now click on "Invoices", you will see all invoices generated by you, with the text conform the Invoice email and PayPal statement you received. However, when you click on that text, you will get a new screen with the full text of the Invoice, including nib choices, etc., for every item on the invoice. It even allows you to print your (detailed) Invoice for future reference.



The news:


Since all good news comes in threes, let's do threes here as well :D.


1. The uptake of the pens has been very good, we are now at a little over 26 % of voters who have ordered and paid for their pens, and we are at about 20 % of funds required for all pens. The latter is a little less than seemingly is voted for, because of type of pens ordered mostly, but not by much - the little extra is there to give peopel who missed the vote a chance to order pens as well.


2. As of this moment all registered voters have access to all pens in the store (and in 3 more days time all members will have access to all pens in the store :D).


3. We had a long conversation with Stipula today, which proved very interesting and beneficial. Let us go into this below.


Stipula indicated that it is possible for us to buy individual, additional nib units for the Etruria models, and this was the first part of the conversation. Great news for those who'd like to buy an extra nib fro their FPN LE Etrurias!

fpn_1307744036__etruria-14k.png fpn_1307744075__etruria-18k.png


Part two was that they also came with a very interesting proposition. Considering that in September their Christmas production runs start, the busiest part of the year by far, and they would like to help us deliver pens in a timely a fashion as possible to our members, they tried to think with us and lowered the entry point for us to start producing pens. This would give us not only a head start for pen production when enough funds are available, but it also means that the total number of pens can be produced in smaller batches, provided we pay in advance for the materials used. This would amount to approximately 25 % to 30 % of the total cost of the pens, and we are almost there now. It would also mean that Stipula can do the design of the pens the moment we pay for materials, so we wouldn't lose any time, due to resource constraints, if for any reason we can't buy pens fast enough to avoid the post-summer holiday Christmas manufacturing season!


That is great news, because smaller production runs are apparently still possible within the busy season that way. In short: we could start delivery of pens much faster than the 60 day cycle normally required for the number of pens we are looking at. IOW, buy quickly - the sooner you do, the faster we all will have our pens!


Warmest regards,

from a very excited FPN Admin Team


Update June, 12:

As we did receive quite a few questions on buying an extra nib by those who already bought an Etruria, we can now announce, that those who already paid for an FPN LE Etruria, can buy a nib as well (or more if they like), and associate it with a pen, without incurring double shipping costs, due to the association with these pens (automatic). Furthermore, any new invoices generated this way, are automatically linked to the original invoice in the system.


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Wooo Wooo :thumbup: :bunny01: :cloud9:



Great news. Especially the rapid start of production.


I guess that would be better for Stipula as well, as otherwise they would sit with some 700 pens in store (could become bulky) so it is better to ship them off right away, and be able to take some extra time for the total run (I suppose summer is already a bit slack for them?)




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An extra question, Wim.


About the piston on the Etruria. Will that be the reverse-action screw? (reverse to most other brands?)




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Who Hooo ! What a great news day this was. I am still hoping to be able to get my Passaporto as well... just have to watch things closely for a bit longer. You are all amazing - and I thank you heartily for making thee first LE FPN pen a reality

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I like the idea of an extra nib unit for the Etruria, I had the hardest time to decide, if I preferred rhodinated or duotone nibs with the design and my preference changes almost daily.

I also love the faster production news, by nature I am impatient, so you have made me very happy!

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An extra question, Wim.


About the piston on the Etruria. Will that be the reverse-action screw? (reverse to most other brands?)




Hi D.ick,


Yes, that is the standard for the current piston filler system used.


Warm regards, Wim

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Wooo Wooo :thumbup: :bunny01: :cloud9:



Great news. Especially the rapid start of production.


I guess that would be better for Stipula as well, as otherwise they would sit with some 700 pens in store (could become bulky) so it is better to ship them off right away, and be able to take some extra time for the total run (I suppose summer is already a bit slack for them?)




I don't think the problem is bulk in the store really :D. They have an entire floor of their factory for materials only, and another for production, and that's it.


For them it is better to do as much as possible now as not to upset their post-holiday production runs, plus they are genuinely out to try and help us, which is very nice indeed.


Warm regards, Wim

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Who Hooo ! What a great news day this was. I am still hoping to be able to get my Passaporto as well... just have to watch things closely for a bit longer. You are all amazing - and I thank you heartily for making thee first LE FPN pen a reality

Thank you, zquilts, much appreciated.


Warm regards, Wim

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I like the idea of an extra nib unit for the Etruria, I had the hardest time to decide, if I preferred rhodinated or duotone nibs with the design and my preference changes almost daily.

I also love the faster production news, by nature I am impatient, so you have made me very happy!

Of course it still depends on how fast people are with actually paying for the pens, and we do hope this news will speed up things a bit :D.


Warm regards, Wim

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Thanks a lot and a big thank you to all members of the team for making all of this possible!

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Will the extra nibs be available in the store?

Thank you!

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Congrats to the FPN Admin Team for pulling off this series of LE pens. Three cheers!


My question is:

Is it possible to combine shipping if I order different models at different times? Specifically, I've already paid for an Etruria but am considering a passporto, maybe an extra nib. If it is possible, how do I indicate that I am willing to wait and wish to combine my order into one shipment, versus someone who would want each item shipped as quickly as possible.

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Congrats to the FPN Admin Team for pulling off this series of LE pens. Three cheers!


My question is:

Is it possible to combine shipping if I order different models at different times? Specifically, I've already paid for an Etruria but am considering a passporto, maybe an extra nib. If it is possible, how do I indicate that I am willing to wait and wish to combine my order into one shipment, versus someone who would want each item shipped as quickly as possible.

In that case ideally the invoice has to be a combined one. Best thing is to contact me backchannel, to see how we can resolve this.


The nibs are only available in combination with an FPN Etruria LE, we cannot sell them separately.


Warm regards, WIm

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Wow, that's a lot of great news. I'm interested in an extra nib for the Etruria I ordered, but sadly all my funds have been swallowed up by the pen itself. Ah well, I guess I'll make do with one great nib!


Thanks again to the FPN-crew and Stipula, of course!

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Great news, indeed! I wish to buy extra nib units. Hope details will come on how to do this. This can also be added as separate sale items in the FPN store. Somehow I can't access it right now (I voted and paid for the blue Etruria Vermeil).

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Oh, man, I am *excited*!!!!!


Here's hoping more folks pay, pay, pay!


:bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01:

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Would these extra nib-units also fit my basic black piston Etruria (with the 14k 1.1 nib)?


That way I could have a choice of three. In that case I might be interested in buying an extra 52 degree nib.


Do you have the 52 dgr yourself? I don't remember now. You have so many Etrurias that I always get disoriented which is what.... :rolleyes:



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I have ordered my Passaporto!


Something I cannot find as addressed yet, will there be FPN LE engraving? I think the votes for all pens looked to wanting some kind of FPN engraving. Just curious if/what it will be?

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The only thing that I want to ask is when will the FPN store be open to non-voters? :mellow:

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The only thing that I want to ask is when will the FPN store be open to non-voters? :mellow:


I think in 2 more days...


Well worth the wait..



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Oops, thought I had a double post for a second.


Anyway... what D.ick said. /nod

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Hurray! Thanks for the continuing updates. I've ordered and paid, and knowing that my pen might arrive sooner is making me a very happy FPNr. :cloud9:

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Great news, indeed! I wish to buy extra nib units. Hope details will come on how to do this. This can also be added as separate sale items in the FPN store. Somehow I can't access it right now (I voted and paid for the blue Etruria Vermeil).

Hi jigesh,


Can you contact me b/c, please? I'd like to know exactly what you can't access, so I can find a fix if necessary.


Warm regards, Wim

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Would these extra nib-units also fit my basic black piston Etruria (with the 14k 1.1 nib)?


That way I could have a choice of three. In that case I might be interested in buying an extra 52 degree nib.


Do you have the 52 dgr yourself? I don't remember now. You have so many Etrurias that I always get disoriented which is what.... :rolleyes:



Hi D.ick,


To be very honest I am a lttle too tired right now to remember whether you have a recent production black Etruria, or on old one. If it is the old one, you can't interchange the nib assembly, or nib unit as Stipula calls it.. However, you can always change just the nibs, that's never a problem. This is also the action I recommend. If the nib assembly gets stuck, the likelyhood of damaging nib and collar (the bit with screw thread which holds nib and feed together) when trying to unscrew them as a whole is rather large.


In short: old PF black Etruria - only nib exchange itself possible; newer black Etruria - nib exchange and/or unit exchange possible, but the latter is not recommended.


Warm regards, Wim

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