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Cross C-Series Nib Failure, Replacement?

Mizta Nice

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Hello all, I have an issue with a Cross C-Series Carbon Black fountain pen and I wondered if anyone might have an answer: the nib just kind of gave up. I don't know of any other way of describing it because it's not as though the tines were sprung from excessive pressure, although I'm sure the result is the same. The tines are all wonky and loose, totally unusable for writing. I have steel nibs, gold nibs and even some cheaper flex nibs, but never have I had this happen before. Now the nib is worthless and I'm looking to replace it.


I called Cross and also corrosponded with customer service via email, and was informed that they no longer supported the pen. I informed them that I understood that and just wanted to purchase another nib if available, but was told they had none. The frustrating thing was that I couldn't even get them to tell me what size or type of nib would work as a substitute.


I've tried locating another nib or a substitute but no retailers seem to have anything suitable. Anyone know of a nib I could use to replace the original one?


The funniest part of this is that I rarely used the pen in the years that I have owned it, but now that it doesn't work I am dying to get it working again.


Oh well, such is life, right?



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So much for the lifetime guarantee; then again, it was made before Cross reformed and aquired Sheaffer. It's a unique, karated nib which I can't see any current nibs fitting. It was very similar to the Apogee so perhaps investigate those.



I liked its interesting mechanical shape and feel; the only thing that put me off buying one was the possibility of the nib section twisting off with the cap.


Magnanimity & Pragmatism

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So much for the lifetime guarantee; then again, it was made before Cross reformed and aquired Sheaffer. It's a unique, karated nib which I can't see any current nibs fitting. It was very similar to the Apogee so perhaps investigate those.



I liked its interesting mechanical shape and feel; the only thing that put me off buying one was the possibility of the nib section twisting off with the cap.


the nib section did come off when twisting the cap. all. of. the. time.


oddly enough, the material around the barrel was a loose piece that would rotate as well. honestly, I don't know why I am bothering with this pen other than stubbornness.


thanks for the advice, I'll check out the apogee nibs.

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Sounds like the nib and feed may have come out of the section a little. If they are pushed back in it might cure the wonky nib.



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I am still seeing the C-series nib unit ( with the section I think ) on retail on a few online store, you might want to google around

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