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Graf Von Faber Castell


Here are my new Graf Von Faber Castell Pencil’s. Alas, still no Perfect Pencil. The difference between these and the Perfect Pencil is the heavy metal cap (is it silver?), integrated sharpener and integrated eraser.

Appearance: The pictures speak for themselves. I very much like the look of these.

Lead: A lighter, harder lead which nevertheless has a nice soft feel. Goes down nicely on GVFC paper.

Here they are…


Close- up of the ends…


A GVFC pencil resting on it’s GVFC Grain Leather A5 Notebook holder…

img_2120.jpg?w=1472Face down in their GVFC pencil-pot…img_2104-10-03-10.jpg?w=1472

As you can see, I’ve being going all- out on GVFC Accessories lately…

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Looks nice. And FC have been a leading producer of pencils for ages..






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Looks nice. And FC have been a leading producer of pencils for ages..




Unless as a kid one used Staedtler / Caran d'Ache / Koh-i-noor / something else. :lol: Can't remember anymore what I used back then, only that it had to have a gold top (probably FC). Anything else had hard lumps in the graphite.


I have to order some of those GvFC pencils some day, but today they are just a little bit too pricey for me.

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Kaweco Supra (titanium B), Al-Sport (steel BB).

Parker: Sonnet (dimonite); Frontier GT; 51 (gray); Vacumatic (amber).

Pelikan: m600 (BB); Rotring ArtPen (1,9mm); Rotring Rive; Cult Pens Mini (the original silver version), Waterman Carene (ultramarine F)

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The only pencil's I remember as a kid were HB Steadler from my orchestra playing days...my Double Bass teacher was VERY particular. But I think she would have found these GVFC's an acceptable substitute :rolleyes:

Edited by kunju123
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