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I recently acquired a 1950s vintage Aurora 88. The pen is in good shape overall and I would like to press it into service. However, the piston turning knob is incredibly stiff. So stiff that I thought it was jammed. With increasing pressure, I was able to move it, but stopped. I'm afraid of stressing the piston rod or stripping threads, etc...


If it was a modern pen, I would think to apply silicone grease. Is that appropriate for this pen? If so, how do you get the grease to where it needs to be?


Thanks in advance for your help!

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Yes, it is appropriate, but not as a first resort.

The piston is made up of a stack of leather and rubber disks. Fill the pen, if possible, with water and leave overnight. If the piston does not move, you should fill the pen with an eyedropper after removing the section. This requires careful application of heat and the reassembly requires a thin layer of section sealant. Once you get to the ink reservoir, if water alone does not do the trick, you can try water with a small quantity of glycerine. Leave overnight or longer. You can leave the pen, minus the section, in a glass of water to soak. If all this fails or if you do not feel that you can take apart the section, send the pen to a professional. The classic 88 is a great pen, a classic and probably my favorite pen of all times.

If you are interested in post WW2 Auroras, you can read my article here: http://www.newpentrace.net/articleGA01.html

Giovanni Abrate

Edited by tryphon


In punta di penna.....

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Yes, I would not use force. If you have to use force, you could easily break something. And you do NOT want to do that with an old pen. I have a pen in my AW SH*T box for that exact reason.


If you are in the SF Bay Area, come to the April 12 Pen Posse in Millbrae.

FarmBoy should be able to take a look at the pen and help you.

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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Giovanni/Typhon - I agree, it is a wonderful pen! Thanks for your suggestions, I'll try the water. Also, thanks for providing the link to your very interesting article - very informative.


ac12 - that's a great suggestion. If I can't get the water in easily or if it doesn't do the trick, I'll definitely bring it by on the 12th.

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