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Behold The (Drum Roll Please!)...tws... Pula 580


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Hello all,


I've been loitering around FPN for a while but this will be my first attempt at making a "real" post! After much debate about where to stick this, I decided that this was a better fit than either the TWSBI or stipula forums... (the pictures aren't great but hey that's what i get for using a tablet to take 'em!)


Anyway, as the story goes, a couple of weeks ago I was able to get my hands on a TWSBI 580 thanks to fellow FPN-ner dcrosier76...

The 580 was a nice surprise; a pretty hefty pen that feels nice and solidly built; for comparison, it is close in size to the Pelikan M800 which you can see in the initial pictures here. The body is well balanced and perfect unposted but posted becomes an little awkward due to the extra length.. not a problem for me since I generally don't use my pens posted...


Pelikan M800 and TWSBI 580



The TWSBI 580 came with a medium nib and the first thing I did was load up my brand new bottle of Iro. yama-budo to take it for a test drive... imagine my disappointment to find the pen writing more like a broad nib and just WET... for someone who prefers a fine japanese nib generally, this was a big issue...


So, going along with the number of mods and nib exchanges posted by many before me, I went in search of a possible spare nib that would fit...

the noodler's flex seemed too small, the ahab/konrad too big, a spare arnold gold nib too big, an old vintage mallat nib with the wrong curvature... and so on until I'd just about given up..


Then just as I was about to call it quits, I saw a stipula nib that was just sitting around due to a cracked collar...

well, I'd tried everything else so why not the little stipula steel nib as well figuring it was probably just a tad too small... low and behold, not only did the nib fit pretty well but the pen now writes like a dream!


With that I present to you the TWS-PULA 580-1... the arrows on the last picture kind of point out where the size difference between the nib and feed is pretty clear...


TWSBI 580 pen with Iro. yama-budo



Stipula steel nib



Behold the TWS-PULA!



TWSBI M nib compared to the Stipula nib



Stipula nib and TWSBI feed


On a never ending quest for the 'perfect' pen, ink, paper combo... Then again where would the fun be in finding perfection!!

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Nice review. Is the Pelikan an XF or XXF? Since they are known to be one size wider than Japanese pens.

You may request to move this to Reviews.

Thank you for the post.

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I'm glad that you are enjoying your new (kind of) pen.


Thanks for sharing the compare between the TWSBI and m800. I am in the middle of trying to decide what Pelikan was going to be my first, the M600 or m800. I think that you pictures have decided for me!!!!!!!1


Thanks again!!!

Edited by dcrosier76
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I just love it!


Thank you, pen-addict! :D


Warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Thanks guys!!! I've been offline since posting so this is my first peek at reactions...


Opooh, That is an apt description :lticaptd:


You could see it as a Landwind with a Ferrari engine.


TassoBarbasso: yeah, I debated for a bit too... Put for some reason a STIP-BI just sounded weird to me... and I ran out of ideas.. :blush:

Other suggestions are more than welcome though!


nice hybrid! not so sure about the name, though ;)



The Pelikan shown here is a F actually and I would definitely go down to the XF or XXF with that... But it works pretty well with Lamy BB for me ;)

Nice review. Is the Pelikan an XF or XXF? Since they are known to be one size wider than Japanese pens.

You may request to move this to Reviews.

Thank you for the post.

On a never ending quest for the 'perfect' pen, ink, paper combo... Then again where would the fun be in finding perfection!!

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