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Nakaya Ao-Tamenuri Decapod Twist - It's Here!


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I ordered this pen in September, directly from Nakaya, and it arrived at the beginning of this month. This year has been crazy and hectic, so I haven't had a chance to post much, but I wanted to share some photos of this, one of my grail pens. Hopefully I'll get more time to post some more photos and reviews of some new pens!




I asked that it be fitted with a rhodium plated Soft Fine nib; it's stiffer than the unplated SFs that I have on some other Nakayas, but still gives some line variation and feels very nice while I'm writing.




The color is exactly what I was hoping for - a deep, almost-black broken by blue-green along the facets of the decapod. It reminds me of waves in the Gulf of Mexico under moonlight. :)

Currently using:Too many pens inked to list, I must cut back! :) I can guarantee there are flighters, urushi, and/or Sheaffer Vac-fillers in the mix!!!

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Absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!

I can't stop buying pens and it scares me.

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Congratulations on your twist - it looks like a great pen! (Disclaimer: I love (no, LOVE) the Decapod Twist, so I'm biased to like yours.)


That said, I find the blue undertone color here very soothing, especially when compared to the more typical red/black twist. The blue makes me want to stop and think, whereas the red makes me want to go and write.

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Susan3141 and JLS1, thanks!


JLS1, I agree on the color - it makes me feel very contemplative.

Currently using:Too many pens inked to list, I must cut back! :) I can guarantee there are flighters, urushi, and/or Sheaffer Vac-fillers in the mix!!!

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Very excited for you! Would love to see the pen against a neutral background, to see the colors better.


Nakaya! Nakaya!


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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Thanks Lisa!


It definitely shifts based on the objects surrounding it, and also the light source. I'll try to get some shots in natural light on a white background. :)

Currently using:Too many pens inked to list, I must cut back! :) I can guarantee there are flighters, urushi, and/or Sheaffer Vac-fillers in the mix!!!

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More pictures! There is a mix of natural and fluorescent light:






Hope that helps :)

Currently using:Too many pens inked to list, I must cut back! :) I can guarantee there are flighters, urushi, and/or Sheaffer Vac-fillers in the mix!!!

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Beautiful, beautiful!

Looks like the colour of your Decapod Twist is a perfect fit for the Iroshizuku's Tsuki-yo :rolleyes:


Edited by Doraemon_nobita
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Wonderful pen, don't think I've seen a Nakaya I did not like, but this one is gorgeous.


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Oh my. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for posting pics.


Ao-tamenuri was going to be the finish I got on my next Nakaya....but my first gave me a (bad) rash wherever the urushi touched...so I don't know if I can get another Nakaya. :( It pains me so much to say that! :(


The Decapod is so perfect for the -tamenuri urushi. I hope you love your pen for many years to come.


best wishes,


Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. --Albert Einstein

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Thanks, everybody!!


Doraemon_nobita, Tsuki-yo is a great choice! Currently, I'm using Platinum Blue-Black, which is a little too blue.


ever onward, ouch, sorry to hear that! Urushi allergies suck :( You might try one of their briarwood models (not the gloss models, though!) or the titanium Piccolo (which, if I am lucky, will be in my hands on Monday!!!!!).


Currently using:Too many pens inked to list, I must cut back! :) I can guarantee there are flighters, urushi, and/or Sheaffer Vac-fillers in the mix!!!

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I'll look forward to hearing about the titanium! Another gorgeous Nakaya 'finish.'


You know, the briarwoods, though--and the celluloids--I feel like, why get a Nakaya if you're not getting urushi? (I've been through that train of thought many times, after seeing Nakaya prices for the first time and after breaking out in a painful & itchy rash.) I'd feel like I were getting cheated if I got a wood or celluloid Nakaya. That's just me! No offense intended to anyone who likes those materials.


I'm just hoping, hoping that my pen will cure quickly. But I'm not looking forward to testing it. :( My fingers are STILL healing, three weeks later. My face wasn't as bad and healed in a more reasonable timeframe.








Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. --Albert Einstein

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Absolutely gorgeous - - - and well worth the wait, I'm sure you'll agree. Enjoy that beauty in good health!

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Thanks, RobertS!


ever onward, the only thing that has kept me from getting one of the Briarwoods is that I generally don't like slip-caps, but like you said, to each their own! The titanium is going to be really interesting :)

Currently using:Too many pens inked to list, I must cut back! :) I can guarantee there are flighters, urushi, and/or Sheaffer Vac-fillers in the mix!!!

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Dammit!!!! Those Nakayas are like an addiction. I definately will start selling other of my pens (once I get throught the new classifieds rules) to afford other Nakayas!!!

That is a beautiful choice of colors! Very nice pen.

sonia alvarez




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Deliciously understated, I love it. So many urushi pens have warm colours so it's nice to see one with such nice cool tones. It's perfect on the Decapod Twist.

D A N i T R i O f e l l o w s h i p

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I really love my decapod ao tamenuri and the kuro tamenuri. O H... I love them all. But the coloration is so cool, might have to think twist.....

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