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Does Sailor Make Soft Nibs?


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I was writing with my Sailor PG today and I noticed a small engraving on the side of the nib: H-M. I presume this to mean hard medium. So I was just wondering if they provide a soft medium nib. Everything is perfect about the Sailor nib except it's hard like a nib and I love my nibs springy.

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I think I have seen one labelled S-F before, but I cannot recall where I had seen it...

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I was writing with my Sailor PG today and I noticed a small engraving on the side of the nib: H-M. I presume this to mean hard medium. So I was just wondering if they provide a soft medium nib. Everything is perfect about the Sailor nib except it's hard like a nib and I love my nibs springy.

the nib code "H" doesnot means it is Hard.it is just a factory code for sailor nibs like a serial number/alphabet.

"M" means medium.

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I was writing with my Sailor PG today and I noticed a small engraving on the side of the nib: H-M. I presume this to mean hard medium. So I was just wondering if they provide a soft medium nib. Everything is perfect about the Sailor nib except it's hard like a nib and I love my nibs springy.

the nib code "H" doesnot means it is Hard.it is just a factory code for sailor nibs like a serial number/alphabet.

"M" means medium.


Ah, okay, I always thought it meant hard, since all the Sailor pens I have, which has the prefix "H" are pretty stiff nibs.

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the nib code "H" doesnot means it is Hard.it is just a factory code for sailor nibs like a serial number/alphabet.

"M" means medium.


Does sailor make soft nibs?

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the nib code "H" doesnot means it is Hard.it is just a factory code for sailor nibs like a serial number/alphabet.

"M" means medium.


Does sailor make soft nibs?


Not that I'm aware of. All their nibs write like nails :roflmho:

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Most of the Sailor nibs that I've owned and/or played with have been relatively firm, although I do have a Sailor music nib with some give to it. It's not what I'd call springy, but it doesn't feel like a nail, either.


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  • 8 years later...

Apologies for resurrecting the old thread with my 2c.
Sailor - unlike Pilot - does not make anything they call "soft". KoP 21K nibs are somewhat soft but Sailor does not mark them such.

HOWEVER Sailor USED TO make "soft" nibs (marked S - F or S - M). I own such a pen - 1911 large model - from 80s or early 90s. The nib (14ct) exactly reflects what I would call "soft" - it is not a flexible nib nor it is meant for flexing, but it feels very soft and is a real pleasure to use. The writing experience is completely different from the current large 1911 H-M 21K nib. With a bit of a very light pressure there is a nice line variation but not a huge.


I believe people often confuse "soft" with "flexible". In some cases they are almost synonymous, but not always. For example there are steel nibs offering a huge flex yet requiring a real pressure to reach it, while some other nibs do not spread much yet spread very easily (without much pressure) and are smooth and responsive.
Soft nib is more about the writing experience, not about big flexing. Just like Sailor inks are a real pleasure due to the lubrication they offer, soft Sailor nibs provide a lovely writing experience imho

Seeking a Parker Duofold Centennial cap top medallion/cover/decal.
My Mosaic Black Centennial MK2 lost it (used to have silver color decal).

Preferably MK2. MK3 or MK1 is also OK as long as it fits.  
Preferably EU.

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Indeed. I have five Sailor pens with soft nibs, marked S-EF, S-MF, S-M. They were made in the 80's. I have a 1911 Large, 3x 1911 Standards, and a 1911 Slim. The Slim was a rare model only sold in Japan to my knowledge, and has a slip cap instead of twist. It's smaller in all dimensions, including the nib.


Like aurore mentioned, they're not flexible, they just add a nice bit of bounce. I really like them.


They for sure made them in S-EF, S-F, S-MF, and S-M. I don't know if they've made them in S-B, I've never come across one. Anyone have one?


Edit: I just recalled asking Mike Masuyama about the Slim size at a show a few years back, and he said they were marketed as a ladies' size in Japan, in the 80's.

Edited by JasonF2
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one does not buy Sailor for soft or springy nibs or nibs "with a bit of give".


I cannot understand how abusive some reviewers can be, especially on Youtube, trying to slightly flex the poor Sailor nibs, especially the 21k. As always, that is trying too hard to show something that is not meant to be - and, at best, disseminating 'false' information.

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one does not buy Sailor for soft or springy nibs or nibs "with a bit of give".


I cannot understand how abusive some reviewers can be, especially on Youtube, trying to slightly flex the poor Sailor nibs, especially the 21k. As always, that is trying too hard to show something that is not meant to be - and, at best, disseminating 'false' information.


Well, yes, completely agreed. But these vintage "soft" nib are quite different than the current "hard" production.

Seeking a Parker Duofold Centennial cap top medallion/cover/decal.
My Mosaic Black Centennial MK2 lost it (used to have silver color decal).

Preferably MK2. MK3 or MK1 is also OK as long as it fits.  
Preferably EU.

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Well, yes, completely agreed. But these vintage "soft" nib are quite different than the current "hard" production.

and this thread will make me hunt down those soft vintage nibs.


One observation - Sailor seems to do things quite differently from time to time, even the finishing(nib grind) from 10 years ago is different from the current production of 2015 onwards. The nibs were smoother then and glide quite readily. As I am typing this, I wonder how the 2019 production might turn out.

Edited by minddance
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and this thread will make me hunt down those soft vintage nibs.


One observation - Sailor seems to do things quite differently from time to time, even the finishing(nib grind) from 10 years ago is different from the current production of 2015 onwards. The nibs were smoother then and glide quite readily. As I am typing this, I wonder how the 2019 production might turn out.


Very well said. The actual grinding seems different to me, I prefer what it was in 80s. The rounded edges made it very forgiving (while not being a ball, unlike the current European production) in terms of performance yet crisp.


Btw I am not an expert but it seems that as for 1911 model Sailor initially did not mark the nibs with any description at all (just like MB), then came the grades like F or M etc. but no "H" or "S", later grades with S or H (or a speciality like Z or N).

Nonetheless all Sailor pens are very good and I am not claiming the "soft" nibs were anything grail but they felt somewhat different. Though I believe some of non-marked 80s nibs were quite soft too. This goes for many other brands actually, early 80s MB or Waterman Man 100 were superb.

Edited by aurore

Seeking a Parker Duofold Centennial cap top medallion/cover/decal.
My Mosaic Black Centennial MK2 lost it (used to have silver color decal).

Preferably MK2. MK3 or MK1 is also OK as long as it fits.  
Preferably EU.

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  • 5 years later...


All things come to those who wait.  It instantly became my favorite pen.  Now I REALLY want to find all the other size Sailor soft nibs.

I'll gladly meet anyone with an extra (broader than EF) over in the Swap-N-Shop or whatever it's called.


I am so happy.

AKA Ichiro Fakename

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