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Found 12 results

  1. Hello everyone, just getting started with fountain pens and found the fpn community. I'm on tight budget wish to start with Pilot Metropolitan for now but am confused between which nip size to choose. My use case will be to write some 10 pages everyday on classmate notebooks and I plan to use Bril royal blue. As a beginner I don't know if fine nib will suit me or will it be scratchy, or if medium nib will feather or cause any other problem with classmate paper. If someone has gone through the same then please help me. And if possible, please share some images of using both metropolitan nibs on a classmate notebook. Anticipating your help, I'm excited to start my fountain pen journey.
  2. Asteris

    Metropolitan feeding problem

    I have been using a mr for 2 months now on a daily basis. I flush it every 3 fills, using tap water (it is clean and drinkable in my area). I was using pelikan 4001 brilliant black and now I swiched to pelikan 4001 royal blue. Sometimes the pen suddently stops writing and I have to twist the piston converter a little to get it going again. This happens once I've used around half the ink in the converter and after I switch inks. Any ideas to what causes the problem?
  3. AngMK

    Hello from NZ!

    Hi there, I've been into fountain pens for a while, but thought it time to come out of my shell a bit and connect with other keen people! I'm from NZ and have been into stationery forever. My generation didn't grow up using fountain pens at school, so when I did come across them, they were these expensive glittering objects in glass cases in the stationery stores and you couldn't touch them. But about three years ago, I got my start with a purple Pilot Metropolitan in a medium nib, and Lamy Turquoise ink. I loved it so much that within a few months I had gotten all three of the 'inexpensive pens' available to me here - Pilot Metro, Lamy Safari, and TWSBI Eco. And then, of course, I went down the rabbit hole.... I just bought the infamous TWSBI Draco despite the price! This site keeps getting recommended online and I'm glad to be here!
  4. From the album: Nib comparisons

    Pilot Plumix, Penmanship, Kakuno, 78G, Prera and Cocoon/MR (including but not limited to the MR Metropolitan) pens all use the same type of interchangeable, friction-fit steel nibs, so getting a Pilot Enso Plumix hand lettering set means I get three italic nibs (of F, M and B width grades) that will fit into any of the other models. They also fit the PenBBS 494, Pali 013/Wing Sung 3013, and a number of other Chinese fountain pens. N.B. The CM nib option available for some Pilot Prera and MR models is effectively the same as a Plumix M nib.

    © A Smug Dill

    • 0 B
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  5. Ages ago (and no doubt past its warranty even if I could remember where I bought it) I got a Pilot MR (European version of the Metropolitan). It's a cartridge pen although last week I bought the right converter. And although I really liked the nib, and found it comfortable - and I have tiny hands so I don't find many FPs just right for me - I somehow sidelined it. Anyway recently got it back out, with a view to maybe adding a converter and trying my new Diamine Registrars' in it. As it's a Medium that writes fairly fine, and also the nib/feed can be totally removed to be cleaned. I used a standard international cartridge in it (not Pilot's own brand as the European ones take the standard cartridges) and lo and behold, it leaked. Not a little. A lot. The entire cartridge worth of ink was, the next day, dumped in the pen top. Really annoying. I pulled it apart, cleaned it and put it back together. Being careful to line up the feed centrally to the slit in the nib. Again - another leak. By the next day, about half the cartridge. A quick look online told me that people have had problems not pushing the feed and nib right back as far as they'll go, into the section. So I tried that, this time. No leak for a day. Then a miniscule leak. I took the cap of and placed it in a small bottle, upright to see how much it leaked and also see if I could figure out where the ink is coming from. But today - again - it has dumped most of the cartridge out. Now I am pretty sure it is not leaking from round the cartridge. It is somewhere on the nib. Or the bottom of the section... I looked with a magnifier but I can't see any hairline cracks. I really want to use this pen as I find it comfortable to use and I like the nib. I don't have any other Pilot pens I can make a Frankenpen with. I thought I'd solved it when I pushed the feed really as far as it could possibly go into the section but it only stayed continent a couple of days. And am still not sure where it's leaking from. Anyone got any ideas? Or is it a lemon?
  6. Hello Everybody I have recently gotten a Pilot MR (The European Version) and Its a great pen, however, I cannot seem to be able to find a converter for it only accepts standard international converters. I have read that I could use a Pelikan Standard International Converter however I also read that it fits very loosely into the pen. Are there any converters t​hat actually fit into this pen? Please help me and thanks for reading
  7. Hello Everybody I have recently gotten a Pilot MR (The European Version) and Its a great pen, however, I cannot seem to be able to find a converter for it only accepts standard international converters. I have read that I could use a Pelikan Standard International Converter however I also read that it fits very loosely into the pen. Are there any converters t​hat actually fit into this pen? Please help me and thanks for reading
  8. Hello everyone! As the title suggests I have some difficulty finding the right converter for the pilot mr ( European metropolitan which is supposed to take standard intern. cartridge and converters ). There have been many discussions here in this forum about this pen but none of them ever reached a definite conclusion as to what converter actually fits. Some people recommended the Faber castell, others the Pelikan and so on but equal amount of people said otherwise ... So, I did something different, I measured the inner diameter of the cartridge that came with the pen and found it to be 2mm, so theoretically we must find a converter with similar inner diameter. And here's my question to the more experienced pen owners of this forum and anyone who has some converter not filled with ink: Can you measure the inner diameter and post here if you find some at 2mm? (also the cartridge that came with the pen is 3,8 cm long and has a tube 7mm thick for reference). And now a little backstory , I recently found out about the wonderful world of pens and since I write a lot on a daily basis I decided to give it a try, so I bought a pen that many recommend for beginners, the pilot mr. I ordered with it a Faber castell converter but the hole of the converter is to narrow to fit the pen's feed tube. ( I think what many refer to as faber castell converter is, in fact, the graf von faber castell converter, but I might be wrong, so maybe that's why it didn't fit my pen ). Now, I modified my converter and managed to get it working but it would be nice to find one that works out of the box... All help is appreciated! Oh this is also my first post so I hope its in the right forum section
  9. I am a new user to fountain pens but I do have some knowledge about them. I ordered a Pilot Metropolitan in a fine nib but I am having trouble choosing ink. I am a college student who will be using cheap notebook paper, I know expensive paper is better but I cannot afford purchasing it. I am looking for a black ink and maybe a blue black or blue ink. Currently I am looking at the Pelikan brilliant black ink and the noodlers black or noodlers 54th Massachusetts. I am clueless because I have yet to test any of the inks but I was hoping for some guidance. If anyone can tell me what their favorite ink for cheap paper is or what they believe the best ink is, that would be appreciated. I am a new member here and I am excited to be a part of it! Thanks
  10. Tom Traubert

    The More I Use My Pilot Mr...

    ... the more I reckon that Pilot could have charged twice as much and still produced a really good value pen. My only criticism, and it's not even really one, is that the nib has slightly less give than a Yorkshireman with rigor mortis. It takes international standard cartridges (currently Diamine Orange for me), is super smooth, and weighs enough to make me think it's not a kids' pen. In the same price bracket I have my Lamy Safari; another great pen. Not quite as good, for my money, although the selection of nibs is better. I wish the price difference between this and my more expensive pens directly correlated to greater performance, but it doesn't. Even my M600 is better, but not 10 times better...
  11. I saw this in my local CVS today, and it made me smile. I've heard people on this forum talk about pharmacists selling fountain pens in the 70s, but I was happy to see it today. its over MSRP, which is a shame, but its better than nothing, and this is a pen that's nicer than its price anyway. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7440/13049978795_63308b714d.jpg
  12. Hi fellow pen appreciators, I have recently dozed off during a most educational and fascinating training session. It was a waste of time, and most sadly it took the life of one of my favourite everyday-use fountain pens. (My advice: if sth is that boring and useless, don't fight the boredom, save (pack up) your pen and assume sleeping position. ) It was a Pilot MR and I loved it. So smooth, trustable. Anyway this happened to it: :( A new one costs ~18€ or 25$ in a local chain and being primarily a student, for both sentimental and financial reasons I was wondering if I could get (and manually exchange) a new nib cheaper than that. And if yes where . I prefer European sources, for the simple reason that I live in Easter Europe (shipping) Honestly my hopes aren't too high, and it's not too expensive, but I really should keep my expenses down this month so I thought I should ask Thank you very much for your kind help and advice

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