We are offering the upcoming Pelikan Classic Special Edition M205 Aquamarine fountain pen, which will be launched in September 2016, for pre-order. Our price is € 100.- including the German VAT of 19% or € 84,03 without the German VAT (for shipments outside the EU). Here is the link to our offer: Fountain pen: http://www.fritz-schimpf.de/Schreibgeraete/Fuellhalter/Pelikan-Classic-M205-Special-Edition-Aquamarine-Kolbenfuellhalter.html Set with Aquamarine ink bottle: http://www.fritz-schimpf.de/Schreibgeraete/Fuellhalter/Pelikan-Classic-M205-Special-Edition-Aquamarine-Set.html Should you wish to pre-order we recommend using the payment option "Vorkasse" (pre-payment). Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at service@fritz-schimpf.de.