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  1. Dear FPN'ers, We, RANGA Handmade Pens Introducing "Little Abimanyu " Model in Classic Ebonites and Premium Acrylics. Ebonite's are highly beautiful and classic. Premium Acrylics are glossy, attractive and Visually stunning. This is Slender version of our popular Model Ranga Abhimanyu. Ebonite Feed option is available for Ranga Nib units. Enjoy the writing experience with our Ebonite Feeds. This is beautiful Clipless slender pen in relatively shorter length. It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn. The section is classic vintage style design. This Model is perfect for Every day use, Gifting and Collector's. You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge. This offer is Valid till 06-October-2024 Capped Length - Approximately 132mm Capped length, Cap Dia - 14.3mm, Barrel Dia - 14.3mm, Section Dia - 11mm at Thickest part and 9.8 mm at lowest part. In Order to Purchase "RANGA LITTLE ABHIMANYU " Pen, Kindly fill the google form. All details & Pictures are included in the form RANGA LITTLE ABHIMANYU PURCHASE LINK Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  2. Dear FPN'ers, This Offer is for RANGA Sugarcane Model Pen in TWO different sizes. 1.Regular Sugarcane , 2.Giant Sugarcane in Various Ebionites & Acrylic Colors This Pen caps and uncaps in just one turn . Capping and Uncapping would be very easier. It resembles Natural Sugarcane . It is Clipless Model Pen. The top and bottom edge of the Pens are beautifully Carved to make it unique. The Sugarcane Nodes are Precisely crafted. It takes lot of Artisan's time to make a single pen. This is one of the Ranga Flagship Model. This offer is Valid till 02-September -2024 1.Regular Sugarcane - Capped length 6.5 inches approximately. Dia - 14.5mm and 16.8 at nodes. Section 11.2mm at maximum part and 10.2mm at center. 2.Giant Sugarcane - Capped length 7 inches approximately. Dia - 16.5mm and 18.75 at nodes. Section 11.5mm at maximum part and 10.8mm at center. In Order to Purchase "RANGA SUGARCANE MODEL IN REGULAR / GIANT SIZE " Pen, Kindly fill the google form. All details & Pictures are included in the form RANGA HANDMADE PENS- SUGARCANE (REGULAR & GIANT)  MODEL -OFFER SALE IN VARIOUS EBONITES & ACRYLICS Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  3. Dear FPN'ers, Greetings !!! We are very happy to introduce our Ranga Metal Series Pens for first time. Here, we introduce Ranga Abhimanyu Brass Pen. Abhimanyu is our most successful Model. Brass is superb Metal to hold for writing with Antique Value. This is very gorgeous pen. Weight: Capped Pen -122 grams ,Uncapped Pen -72grams Engraving Personalization option is available. This makes the pen special for its owners. In Order to Purchase "RANGA ABHIMANYU BRASS " Pen, Kindly fill the google form. All details are included in the form including the pen pictures RANGA ABHIMANYU BRASS PEN PURCHASE LINK You can contact us in our mail id mpkandan@yahoo.co.in for queries Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  4. Dear FPN'ers , Greetings. We are doing offer price for Ranga Model 9B Pen in P41. Ice Green, P42. Green/Black/Brown Cracked Ice , P43. Mountain BlueBird , P44. Hanami . It is fantastic addition for any Pen lovers. We offer it in 100+ great colors. In Order to Purchase "RANGA MODEL 9B " Pen, Kindly fill the google form. All details are included in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJAqWxj_1Eb90tZGUiRg9tpkOF0kW0WOibFAXgNCENEpKEvw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  5. Dear FPN'ers, Ranga Handmade Pens -ThanksGiving Day and Black Friday OFFER -We are running offer sale for our Most Successful Model -Abhimanyu Model along with other Ranga Models Model 5, Giant 9B, Abhimanyu Grand, Bamboo, Thin Bamboo and Giant Bamboo Model in Classic Ebonites and alluring Acrylics in more than 125 colours . We are introducing 5 New gorgeous Premium Ebonite colours P24. Black/White/Green P25. Orange Woodgrain P26. Black/White/Blue P27. Green/White/Orange Woodgrain P28. Blue/White/Grey Woodgrain We open Free Shipping option through India Post now. No Tracking .Delivery with in 3-8 weeks from Dispatch Date In Order to Purchase "RANGA ABHIMANYU " Model Pen, Kindly fill the google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-HQvNMWpGxGoxm2Xpl_AWEgRkoQxdpNduMaQVDu4Vxafnxg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 In Order to Purchase "RANGA ABHIMANYU GRAND " Model Pen, Kindly fill the google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaoAUSh236wSdopIJvCRS_ukeTkKhMRTY6SvJLlfsn9FtMYA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 In order to Purchase "RANGA MODEL GIANT 9B" Model Pen, Kindly fill the google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfv_WSqm7GDpQ94GKaKLLoK7WumPJY0VcnzoVPIbuKXEyTm0w/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 In order to Purchase "RANGA MODEL 5" Model Pen, Kindly fill the google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQtPfXpJh9XnDqbJ7M3oIDlVWzQPM0hir9T26blec3RqdZYA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 In order to Purchase "RANGA BAMBOO (GIANT/REGULAR/THIN)" Model Pen, Kindly fill the google form .All details (Pen Dimension, Colours,Price,Pictures, Nib details ,Making time, Payment details) are included in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0o_xxc0vrLXV27Wvp1FRvnH-qDbBVl8_1WgD50g3xb4DsyA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  6. danielpi

    Nib Manufacture

    For reference, here is a list of pen manufacturers and who supplies their nibs. I've gathered this from a lot of different sources (including older posts in FPN forums). I'll update and correct the list as I come across new data. There have been several earlier attempts to organize this information on FPN, but hopefully this is a bit more organized/centralized. For the record, I am aware (and should caution readers who are not) that not all Bock or JoWo nibs are the same. The mere fact that, e.g., Visconti and Omas both use "Bock manufactured nibs" does not mean, ipso facto, that they use the "same nib." In that particular case, the nibs are very different. Also, it is worth dispelling the mistaken notion that in-house nibs are “better” than Bock or JoWo nibs. This is patently untrue. Most high end pen-makers will do a lot of finishing after receiving pens from Bock or JoWo, which are already made to their unique specifications at the factory; they are merely taking advantage of the economies of scale offered by a dedicated nib manufacturer (the "artistry" of smoothing and finishing that give a brand's pens their unique "feel" is almost always done in-house by all pen-makers). That said, it is sometimes interesting who makes the nibs for whom, and to that end, I present the following list. Updated June 3, 2017. Organized by pen-maker: Brand Current Nib Supplier Historical Sources Ancora In-House Aurora In-House Bexley JoWo Until early 2000s: Bock for gold, Schmidt/JoWo for steel Caran D'Ache Bock Cleo-Skribent Bock Conid Bock Conklin JoWo Conway Stewart Bock Pre-1920: Warranted, 1920-1975: In-House Cross In-House and Sailor (only for Peerless 125) Pelikan and Pilot Danitrio Bock (except 24k #50 sized nib on the Yokozuna series, made by an undisclosed Japanese company JoWo Delta Bock Diplomat Bock Dupont Bock Eboya Bock Edison JoWo Elysee Bock (finishing by SP Dupont?) Faber Castell JoWo Graf von Faber Castell Bock Franklin Christoph JoWo for steel, Bock and JoWo for gold Formerly all Bock (including some Schmidt branded Bock) Goulet JoWo Hakase Pilot (and Sailor, but mainly Pilot) Helico Bock Karas Kustoms Bock Kaweco Bock Lamy Mainly In-House; Bock for specialty nibs Exclusively Bock in the beginning Magna Carta Bock Montblanc In-House Montegrappa Bock Monteverde Bock Ohashido Sailor Omas Bock In-house until 2000 Onoto Bock Parker In-House Pelikan In-House Originally Montblanc nibs, later in-house, switched to Bock 1997, transitioned back to in-house since mid-2000s Pilot/Namiki In-House Platinum In-House Romillo In-House Sailor In-House Sheaffer Bock In-house Signum Bock Stipula Bock Stylo Art Sailor, Platinum, Pilot, and Bock Taccia Sailor and JoWo TWSBI Bock and JoWo Urso Bock Visconti Bock Waterman In-House Yard-o-Led Bock And organized by nib-maker: Bock Caran D'Ache, Cleo Skribent, Conid, Conway Stewart, Danitrio, Delta, Diplomat, Dupont, Eboya, Elysee, Graf von Faber Castell, Franklin Christoph, Helico, Kaweco, Karas Kustoms, Montegrappa, Monteverde, Omas, Onoto, Sheaffer, Signum, Stipula, Stylo Art, TWSBI, Visconti, Yard-o-Led In-House Ancora, Aurora, Lamy, Montblanc, Parker, Pelikan, Pilot/Namiki, Platinum, Romillo, Sailor, Waterman JoWo Bexley, Conklin, Edison, Faber Castell, Franklin Christoph, Goulet, Taccia, TWSBI Pilot Hakase, Pilot/Namiki, Stylo Art Sailor Hakase, Ohashido, Sailor, Stylo Art, Taccia If you have any additions or corrections, please include a link to where you found your info. Thanks!
  7. Dear FPN'ers RANGA Handmade Pens Introducing Salmon Model in Classic Ebonites Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. This shape is beautifully crafted so that it resembles Fish design.This is Clipless pen. It is cute and sturdy . It is comfortable for both regular size pen lovers and Giant Size Pen Lovers. It caps in less than 1 turn.The section is hourglass section. It is very comfortable for writing. It is must collectible pen as well as great every day carry pen. It is eye catcher for its craftsmanship.. Ranga Salmon Model can be ordered in the below form. All Details are included in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemK2CZDuNQeDVOK1pZ78bWj6WneFJQx9xWM-0lyU3GmALL1A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Pen Dimension: "RANGA SALMON MODEL " Pen Dimension: Capped Length :Approximately 150mm, Cap Dia - 17.5mm (17.5mm at thickest part (Head)), Barrel Dia - 17.5mm(12.5mm at thinner part (Tail), Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11 mm at thinnest part. Cap Turn: It takes less than 1 turn For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options Price : 1. Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite : 84USD Customer's can upgrade it to their favourite nibs with extra charge Making Time : 2 -3 weeks from payment date Shipping: Via Courier . It takes 4 to 9 days.Via Courier- Kindly note that courier rates are very high now. We are happy to share that we are collecting only 50% of the courier charges and rest is incurred by us . Customer's need to pay 19USD for USA/Canada, 15USD for Central Europe /Singapore/ Malaysia and country specific rates for other countries. Payment Details: Paypal id: mpkandan@gmail.com Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  8. Genai

    Ranga Markandeya

    This isn't my first Ranga fountain pen but it's the one I like more till now. I'm a fountain pen lover and my favourite ones are my ebonites. They are all hand crafted by artisans. The one I introduce you now is the new Ranga Markandeya. It's a bit special because it's not the typical "jumbo" sized pen (I like big pens but also medium sized ones), although it's gurthy externally (not too much). It's special because it's made with care and love by Indian craftsmen who know well their work. Appearance & Design (10) In my view, it's appearance is beautiful. The swirls between teal blu and orange brown in the ebonite are always very nice to watch, it's mesmerising if you turn the pen. The material is precious (rubber with sulfur, badly named as hard rubber); it's name comes from it's similarly with ebony. The design is very well thought-out. It is uncapped in one and a quarter turn. The clip is long and springy. The section is long and old fashioned in the best way because it's very comfortable to hold and it tappers up at the end preventing your fingers to meet the nib. I like the cap meets the body with the same width and it's gurthy enough for my liking. The Jowo nib (B in this piece) has one advantage: you can interchange with other Jowo nibs I'm sure you have and, if you haven't any, it's very easy and cheap to find one. It can be posted very securely but I do not recommend you to do it because with time you can damage the surface of the ebonite (if you like posting, do it with care). Construction & Quality (9) Ebonite is a precious material for me. The fountain pen is handcrafted (I give a high value to pens made with experienced hands more than inyected plastic, for example). This pen is made by artisans and well engineered. The quality of the threading is outstanding. It has long section threading to be well eyedroppered if you prefer that system with huge ink capacity. Why I don't give a "10"? Because of the micro scratches from the lathe (almost imperceptible but they could be completely eliminated). The polishing is good but not perfect. I remember that Da Vinci said "details make perfection and perfection is not any detail". Weight & Dimensions(10) It's weight is 24 grams capped and 15 uncapped, with perfect balance. It is a lightweight and comfortable pen. It measures 134 mm capped but the good point consists of it's long enough uncapped, 122 mm, very good, well done. The nib goes close to the end of the cap. I appreciate that because you can have a long enough uncapped fountain pen without sacrificing the total length in order to get relative restrained length. It's a gurthy pen but not too much, 16 mm in the middle. It tappers down in the cap to 13,5 mm and to 12 mm in the body. I feel that dimensions like the perfect ones. Nib & Performance (9) The nib is a standard broad Jowo stainless steel one, so it's performance is assured. But you can choose a Ranga or Bock if you want, even gold or titanium with different sizes and plating. Mine is very smooth and juicy, without being a gusher. Filling System & Maintenance (9) The filling system is possible in three ways, cartridge, converter and it also can be used with eyedropper. It comes with a standard Schmidt converter. The maintenance is very simple to realise due to the converter system. I like piston filling systems and eyedropper and vacuum systems with shut off valve to avoid burping but using that kind of systems you increase the price and the maintenance is not so easy. I know you have to store the pen with care and without light and to dry it well after washing but I prefer the feeling of ebonite when you touch it and it looks beautiful. Cost & Value (10) The quality/price ratio is outstanding. In my pen 79 $ including postage (64 without it). But the good point is it's value, it's a fountain pen made by hand, if you take only that into account only, it's real value is very high. Beside that it's made with care and love and perfectly engineered. I got the pen in a group buy directly with mr. Kandan M. P. He is so kind and professional and they send you the pen very fast although I don't mind to wait if they use Indian post because it's cheaper. He has told me they are going to use this way to offer free shipping. Conclusion (Final score, 57/60) I feel very happy with this fountain pen. It is beautiful and very well made, with love by artisans. Very well engineered and thought-out. I am also very satisfied with their customer kindness. I think we do well to support handcrafted fountain pens. I am perhaps a bit viassed because I do love ebonite. The price is more than right if you consider the artisan work. They are all craftsmen. They even give you one free fountain pen. It is a modest but functional one and I really appreciate that gift because it's a nice detail and remember Da Vinci... Best regards to everybody. Take care Miguel Ángel.
  9. I dropped the pen several days ago and used 3 different Jowo Nibs to attempt to replace the ruind lex nib. None of them fit. Mr Kandan wrote me a terse emai assuring me any Jowo #6 would work. Now, after probably stripping the inner screws of the top sleeve joining the body to the top, I'm afraid this pen is useless. This is not the forst time I have had major problems changing out a nnib on an Indian made pen. Has anyone else experienced a nib fit issue with Ranga pens?
  10. Dear FPN'ers, We are introducing this new Model "RANGA SAMURAI". It is new Model. It is workhorse pen. It is compatible Model for both Regular Size Pen lovers and Oversize Pen lovers. This Model can take Bock #8 nib units. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. It comes with newly designed clip. This beautiful pen with newly designed clip is sturdy. The section is classic style design. We are introducing this Pen size and Section shape in our production line for first time. It caps in less than 1 turn. Please fill the below form to book your favourite Ranga "RANGA SAMURAI" Model pen. Form has all details with detailed Pictures https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSci1-U-OC7fSHeQ8gq6EOd-eXPNdz-nvYBfSZpf_5hPqWUM4Q/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 This offer is Valid till 31st July-22 Capped Length - Approximately 6 Inches. Cap Dia - 17.5mm, Barrel Dia - 16mm, Section Dia - 12.6mm at Thickest part and 11.2 mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite :84USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) Payment: Paypal id mpkandan@gmail.com Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  11. Dear FPN'ers, We are introducing this new Model "RANGA MARKANDEYA" . It comes with newly designed clip. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. It has vintage Characteristics. This is beautiful pen in relatively shorter length. It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn.The section is classic vintage style design. Please fill the below form to book your favourite Ranga "RANGA MARKANDEYA" Model pen. This Form all details and all pictures https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScN59D8Lz0TRHEM16kxqQulqC3f-7FcIUf-jlGJIWamta9KfA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 This offer is Valid till 30th June-22 Capped Length - Approximately 5.25 Inches. Cap Dia - 16mm, Barrel Dia - 16mm, Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11 mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite :79USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  12. Dear FPN'ers, We are introducing this new Model "RANGA MARKANDEYA" . It comes with newly designed clip. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. It has vintage Characteristics. This is beautiful pen in relatively shorter length. It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn.The section is classic vintage style design. Please fill the below form to book your favourite Ranga "RANGA MARKANDEYA" Model pen. Form has all details with detailed Pictures https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScN59D8Lz0TRHEM16kxqQulqC3f-7FcIUf-jlGJIWamta9KfA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 This offer is Valid till 30th June-22 Capped Length - Approximately 5.25 Inches. Cap Dia - 16mm, Barrel Dia - 16mm, Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11 mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite :79USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  13. Dear FPN'ers, We are introducing this new Model "ABHIMANYU GRAND" following the huge success of our Abhimanyu Model . This new model "ABHIMANYU GRAND" is Giant Version of Abhimanyu. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. It has vintage Characteristics. This is beautiful Clipless pen in relatively shorter length. It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn.The section is classic vintage style design. We have introduced it in our production line for first time. Please fill the below form to book your favourite Ranga "ABHIMANYU GRAND" Model pen https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaoAUSh236wSdopIJvCRS_ukeTkKhMRTY6SvJLlfsn9FtMYA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 This offer is Valid till 31st May-22 Capped Length - Approximately 150mm Cap Dia - 19mm, Barrel Dia - 19mm, Section Dia - 14mm at Thickest part and 12 mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite :89USD Regular Ebonite -69USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Payment: Paypal id mpkandan@gmail.com Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  14. Dear FPN'ers, We are introducing this new Model "ABHIMANYU GRAND" following the huge success of our Abhimanyu Model . This new model "ABHIMANYU GRAND" is Giant Version of Abhimanyu. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. It has vintage Characteristics. This is beautiful Clipless pen in relatively shorter length. It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn.The section is classic vintage style design. We have introduced it in our production line for first time. Please fill the below form to book your favourite Ranga "ABHIMANYU GRAND" Model pen https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaoAUSh236wSdopIJvCRS_ukeTkKhMRTY6SvJLlfsn9FtMYA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 This offer is Valid till 31st May-22 Capped Length - Approximately 150mm Cap Dia - 19mm, Barrel Dia - 19mm, Section Dia - 14mm at Thickest part and 12 mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite :89USD Regular Ebonite -69USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  15. I love everything about the Triple Tail. The largeness. The clearness. The non-smellyness. The plunger filling system. The 308 cartridges I can use. Everything, that is, but the nib itself. It's just too darn much for me. It's finicky, which is bad enough. But even when it does work after heat setting, etc -- and even with an ink as simple as 4001 Royal Blue or Waterman Serenity Blue -- it's like writing with a paint brush. And that's before flexing! Before I return it for a partial refund, I thought I would see if anyone has managed to trade it out for a #6 nib? And it not a basic #6, then something else? I saw someone asked Goulet, and the answer was: "Maybe". Have you done it? How'd it go?
  16. Dear FPN'ers, This Grand Offer is for RANGA Handmade Pens Model 4C in Classic Ebonites and Premium Acrylics. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. Premium Acrylics are glossy, attractive and Visually stunning This is beautiful pen . It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn. It is the most popular Model in Ranga Pens. It is Classic Cigar Shape Pen and ideal for daily use This offer is Valid till 30th April-22 Ranga Model 4C Offer Form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxf1KH2vJ6AVfrKZbgmeUXdbIzbCjzh3C2fNQ4QAD9FcUlFA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Capped Length - Approximately 6 Inches Cap Dia - 16mm, Barrel Dia - 16mm, Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Acrylic -74USD,Premium Ebonite :74USD, Regular Acrylic -59USD, Regular Ebonite -59USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Payment: Our Paypal id is mpkandan@gmail.com Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) We also have Offer for Splendour Model https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrX12KnBUV3ROrYdX9lHaY7byuFk876Covbbr_4NHgZMONow/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  17. Dear FPN'ers, We are happy to share this Ranga Abhimanyu Pen review by Inkquiring Minds Channel (Mr.Douglas Rathbun -USA) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ0cDfdmKgM Thanks Mr. Douglas Rathbun Sir for the nice and detailed review. Thanks for your service to fountain pen community Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company www.rangapens.com
  18. Dear FPN'ers, This offer is for RANGA Handmade Pens Abimanyu Model in Classic Ebonites and Premium Acrylics. Ebonites are highly beautiful and classic. Premium Acrylics are glossy, attractive and Visually stunning This is beautiful Clipless pen in relatively shorter length. It is cute and sturdy . It caps in less than 1 turn.The section is classic vintage style design. We have introduced it in our production line for first time. This offer is Valid till 31st March-22 RANGA ABHIMANYU ORDER FORM https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-HQvNMWpGxGoxm2Xpl_AWEgRkoQxdpNduMaQVDu4Vxafnxg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Capped Length - Approximately 5.25 Inches Cap Dia - 16mm, Barrel Dia - 16mm, Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11mm at lowest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Acrylic -74USD,Premium Ebonite :74USD, Regular Acrylic -59USD, Regular Ebonite -59USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. We also have offer for Ranga Splendour Model https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrX12KnBUV3ROrYdX9lHaY7byuFk876Covbbr_4NHgZMONow/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 REgards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  19. Michael Lew

    Bad nibs

    I've been selling fountain pens for only a little while, but my experience so far is that Jowo and Bock nibs are far more variable and unreliable than one might expect. About half of the nibs need tuning to become acceptable and a lot need serious re-shaping. Some are so asymmetrical in tine widths that I do not know how to make them work. So far I would say that the Bock nibs are more likely to have excessively tight tines than the Jowo, but no small pen maker could send either brand out without testing and adjusting as necessary. Are penmakers OK with that? Should I be sourcing a different brand of nib? What about the nibs that I cannot use? Should I try to send them back to the supplier—fpnibs for the Jowo, and a local supplier [in Australia] for the Bocks—or to the manufacturers, or should I just take the failures as part of my costs? I had a bad Conklin nib from Goulet pens a couple of years ago and they replaced it happily, but I wonder whether they were having to eat the cost. Michael Lew, PlatypusPens.com
  20. ssataline

    New Jowo Nibs In Se Asia?

    Hi all. I have a new pen, this an ASA Nauka from India, and I must replace the Jowo nib. I have my favorite nibbers in the US, but I'm in Hong Kong and would like to find someone in this region to avoid high shipping costs. Any recommendations? Mask up and Thank you!
  21. Dear FPN'ers, Ranga Handmade Pens wishes you Very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!!!! This Offer is for RANGA Handmade Pens Bamboo, Thin Bamboo and Giant Bamboo Model in Classic Ebonites and alluring Acrylics .This is Japanese Style Pen with extensive craftsmanship. It is unique writing instrument with carrying lot of Art. Ebonite is highly beautiful , Durable, evergreen ,long lasting , Classic and favorite material for Pen lovers. It has Vintage Characteristics. Premium Acrylics are very attractive ,looks Gorgeous and appeals Visually very much. Bamboo and Giant Bamboo caps in less than 1 turn. Thin Bamboo Caps in 2-3 turns Bamboo Dimension: Capped Length - Approximately 6 Inches Cap Dia - 16mm, Barrel Dia - 16mm, Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11mm at thinnest part. Thin Bamboo Dimension: Capped Length - Approximately 5.75 Inches Cap Dia - 14.5mm, Barrel Dia - 14.5mm, Section Dia - 11mm at Thickest part and 10mm at thinnest part. Giant Bamboo Dimension: Capped Length - Approximately 7 Inches Cap Dia - 19mm /17.5mm dia based on availability, Barrel Dia - 19mm /17.5mm dia based on availability.Section Dia - 14.3mm at Thickest part and 12.5mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 -3 weeks Price: 1. Base Price for Ranga Regular Bamboo Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite & Premium Acrylic :85USD,Regular Ebonite & Regular Acrylic: 75USD, 2.Base Price for Ranga Giant Bamboo Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite & Premium Acrylic :105USD,Regular Ebonite & Regular Acylic : 85USD 3 Base Price for Ranga Thin Bamboo Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Ebonite & Premium Acrylic :80USD,Regular Ebonite & Regular Acrylic: 70USD, . You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 15USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. (Charges published above) Payment Details : Paypal id mpkandan@gmail.com .This offer Price is Valid till 31-January-22 To book your pen, Please fill the below form . all details are included in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0o_xxc0vrLXV27Wvp1FRvnH-qDbBVl8_1WgD50g3xb4DsyA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Take care Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  22. collectorofmanythings

    Should I get a JoWo medium or a broad nib?

    So I have a pen which currently has a fine nib, but I would prefer a broader, wetter, and smoother experience. This brand uses JoWo nibs, and the fine was too feedbacky and fine, and it was a touch on the dry side. So this brand sells extra branded nib units, which are JoWo #6 18k nibs, and I was wondering whether I should buy a medium or a broad. I would like a smoother and broader (but I do not want a super broad nib) writing experience. So is the jump in nibs sizes from medium to broad, or fine to medium? Is the medium noticeably smoother? Thank you for your help, W. Major
  23. Dear FPN'ers, We are happy to share the Video review by Mr. Douglas from Inkquiring minds channel for Ranga Model 3C Pen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zksTx23RPLw Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  24. Dear FPN'ers, Greetings!!!! This group buy is for RANGA Handmade Pens Model 3 in beautiful Premium Ebonites & Regular Ebonites. This Group Buy is Valid till 31-July-21 Model 3 is Flat shaped Pen. It is perfect Every day carry Pen. This is Popular Ranga Model Pen. It caps in less than 1 turn. The pens are completely handcrafted .Ebonite is Durable, evergreen ,long lasting , Classic and favorite material for Pen lovers. It has Vintage Characteristics Capped Length - Approximately 6 Inches Cap Dia - 16mm, Barrel Dia - 14.3mm, Section Dia - 12.5mm at Thickest part and 11mm at thinnest part. In order to purchase Ranga Model 3 Pen , Kindly fill the Google Form (Link Below) RANGA Model 3 - ORDER FORM https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0dOye2rNfkIOq4R5JbySLCQTJp2DJw6ynYRpgnH275MVl7A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Colours : Premium Ebonites: ------------------------ P1. Solid Blue P2. Black/Yellow P3. Blue/Pink P5. Blue/White P6. Black/Red P7. Green/Yellow P8. Solid Pink P9. Blue/Green/Orange P11. Blue/White/Green/Orange P12. Orange/ Black P13. Green/Pale Pink P14. Blue/Pink/Pale Yellow P18 PINK RED GREEN P19 Blue/Orange P20 GREY CREAM P21 Pink/ Pale Yellow P22 Orange/ Pale Yellow P23 GREY RED CREAM Regular Ebonites ----------------------- R4. Black S1. Solid Forest Green with Black Specs S6.Forest Green - Teal Blue Ripple with Black Specs S9. Mustard Yellow - Black Ripple S10. Khaki - Bluish Black Ripple S12. Rose Red - Black Ripple S15. Rose Red - Forest Green Ripple S17. Rose Red - Mustard Yellow Ripple with Black Specs S20. Teal Blue - Orange Ripple S22. Solid Red with Black Specs S28. Solid Grass Green with Black Specs Finish :Polished Finish or Matte Finish Clip Option - 1. Gold Clip 2. White Clip 3. Clipless Cap Turn: It takes less than 1 turn to cap and uncap For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options Nib Option: Ranga Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone Ranga Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone Ranga Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone Ranga Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone Ranga Double Broad Nib:Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone Ranga Flex: Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone Ranga 14K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point, Medium Point ,Broad Point, Flex Bock Titanium #6 nibs: Broad Point Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point, Medium Point ,Broad Point, JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 Price : RANGA Model 3 : Premium Ebonite with Ranga Nib and German Schmidt Converter: 69USD (Its Regular Price is 84USD). Regular Ebonite with Ranga Nib and German Schmidt Converter:54USD (Its Regular Price is 69USD).Kindly avail this Offer Price for this Excellent Pen Customer's can upgrade it to their favourite nibs with extra charge Making Time : 2-3 weeks from payment date Shipping: Via Courier . It takes 4 to 9 days.Via Courier- Kindly note that courier rates are very high now. We are happy to share that we are collecting only 50% of the courier charges and rest is incurred by us . Customer's need to pay 15USD for USA/Canada, 10USD for Central Europe /Singapore/ Malaysia and country specific rates for other countries. Payment Details: Paypal id: mpkandan@gmail.com Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  25. Dear FPN'ers, This Grand Offer is for RANGA Handmade Pens Model 5 in Classic Ebonites and Premium Acrylics. The pens are completely handcrafted These are very Giant Size Pens. It is treat for Giant Pen lovers. .Ebonite is , highly beautiful , Durable, evergreen ,long lasting , Classic and favorite material for Pen lovers. It has Vintage Characteristics. Premium Acrylics are very attractive ,looks Gorgeous and appeals Visually very much. Model 5 is Cigar Shape Pen in seamless finish.It caps in less than 1 turn. It is clipless Pen. This Model is available in 120 colours now. Bock #8 Titanium nibs are available now in different line widths,. It is most sought after nibs among Fountain pen lovers. Ranga Model 5 and Bock #8 nibs brings the best of both the world to Fountain Pen lover's table. This offer is Valid till 15th December -21 Capped Length - Approximately 7 Inches Cap Dia - 19mm, Barrel Dia - 19mm, Section Dia - 14mm at Thickest part and 12mm at thinnest part. Making Time : 2 weeks Price: Base Price for Ranga Pens with Ranga Screw in nibs and German Converters: Premium Acrylic -89USD,Premium Ebonite :89USD, Regular Acrylic -69USD, Regular Ebonite -69USD You can upgrade it to plenty of nib choices with extra charge Shipping charges: Through Courier (Quicker delivery-4 to 9 days) .USA : 19USD, Central Europe : 15USD, Singapore/ Malaysia: 15USD. Rest of the world: It varies from country to country from 10USD -19USD. Kindly note that Shipping charges are very high, we bear the 50% of shipping charge and collecting the rest from customers. Payment: Paypal id mpkandan@gmail.com To book your pen, Please fill the below form . all details are included in the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQtPfXpJh9XnDqbJ7M3oIDlVWzQPM0hir9T26blec3RqdZYA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company

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