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  1. yazeh

    Kala bottles.jpg

    From the album: 1 -January-Feb 2025 reviews

    © yazeh

    • 0 B
    • x
  2. Here's my scans of Monteverde Brown both bottle and cartridge. I was excited when I got the carts as the packaging had "copyright 2010" on it, possibly the original formula but in testing it sure seems to be the same as the bottled ink. With the bottle ink, I had bad problem with hard starts and really bad skipping on block letters with first 2 pens I tried, a Kaweco Sport M and a Hemisphere M (wasn't as bad with cursive's long, continuous strokes). Had same problem with Jinhao Safari M so tried a Luxor Vector and it worked perfectly there. But I left the Jinhao sit overnight and when I tried it the next day, the hard stops and skipping were gone, so probably didn't let ink feed completely on 1st 2 pens. Tried a Baoer 801 F after the Vector and was surprised when a big drop of ink fell on paper during a pause while writing! I saw that if I just held the pen, nib down, a drop of ink would form fairly quickly (maybe 1 1/2 mins?) on the end of the feed and then drop onto the paper unless I started writing before it fell. The ink can really be described as "gushing" on that Baoer, laying down a then but very wet line. That 's the 1st time I've encountered ink dripping from a pen like that. Carts arrived and I flushed the Jinhao and put one in it; for the bottle ink, I kept the Vector and added a Pelikano M, a pretty wet writer with a broad line. The Jinhao is also fairly wet, though not like the Baoer was. On cheap memo book paper, all 3 pens performed well, not too wet as the paper absorbed quickly. Color was like the 3 bears - Vector F a nice medium shade, Jinhao a little darker and Pelikano definitely darker. That matched the line width - Vector thin, Jinhao a smidge thicker, Pelikano thick. Feathering on the memo was really minimal, only the Jinhao showed an ever-so-slighty fuzziness. I've added a new test book for trying out inks, a Strathmore Sketch pad; it has thick, very white paper with a "fine tooth surface" and is actually intended for dry media. I like it because it is so white and doesn't absorb the ink so readily; I've come to realize how much the absorbency of cheap paper, especially the little memo books I was using, can affect the color I'm seeing and that the hard white surface of the Strathmore pad gives me a better idea of what the ink should look like. The difference between the three pens was even more pronounced on the Strathmore. The Vector's line seems a little thinner while the Jinhao's seems a little heavier. Ink glistens as it's laying down, indicating the wetness. Most surprising is the color, though; now the Jinhao line is darker than the Pelikano. Results on the scan are closer to the memo paper than to the sketch pad in that regard. Some shading is also noticeable on the Strathmore, most obviously on the Pelikano but some on the Vector, as well. Overall, I like this particular color of brown. I would call it medium-dark brown that's not too light or too dark, it's not reddish or orange-ish, it's not really yellow-ish, either, it's just a nice brown. It's very wet - watery, I guess you'd call it, so you might have to try it in a few pens before you find one it works well in. By the same token, there's lots of good browns in this range from other manufacturers so there's no particular reason to chose this one over others unless you like this particular shade, like I did when I saw Sandy1's review. Price on ebay runs $14-15 (incl ship) for a generous 90ml bottle. I stumbled on a bargain (spurring me to buy), $5 +$4 ship. The cartridges, I paid $4.45 for 3 6-packs w/ free shipping; that works out to 19 cents each - can't beat that. So, without further ado, onto the scans. Scans seem reasonably accurate. My thanks to Sandy1 for both the original review and the encouragement to post one myself.
  3. JBarnhart

    Sheaffer's Skrip Writing Fluid

    Good morning, all. I just acquired a partial bottle of Sheaffer's Skrip "writing fluid" from a lady who was going to toss it. Question: How do I use the bottle? It has an interesting top that I'm not familiar with. Any help would be appreciated. I've attached an image of it.
  4. I opened my newly bought bottle of Platinum Carbon Ink and this cylindrical thing was found floating inside.
  5. Various people including myself have had good luck with buying replacement lids for our vintage Sheaffer ink bottles from BottleSolutions.com, but they've been taken over by Pipeline Packaging, a similar company in the same city, it looks like the relevant link for jar lids is this although the parts numbers don't seem to have stayed the same so I can't really make any promises: https://www.pipelinepackaging.com/closures BottleSolutions.com was the old site but it redirects to a post announcing the takeover, and I'm not quite sure how to shop on the Packaging Pipeline site, they may need to be called or something instead of having an online storefront. Here's a post with information on the exact sizes in case anyone wants to try and find another source for lids! https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/144091-old-sheaffer-ink-pots/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2689299
  6. We have a thread for watches and pens, nibs, desks, pets, but not any what is dedicated to ink bottles. So here it is! Share your photos, feel free to comment on others'! http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5519/9303702252_9714a6944d_z.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2857/9303696568_eb0656817e_z.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3826/9303700788_9d2cd50d95_z.jpg Here is an old one: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5045/5304571608_6e97468fd9_z.jpg
  7. Symphing12

    Ink Smells Strange

    I just opened my bottle of Lamy Black ink I bought two years ago. I have been using it since, and is currently in my Pilot Metropolitan. But it smells really bad, and I'm worried that something has happened to the ink. The smell is somewhat like cut grass. The converter in my Metro does not have that smell, but the bottle does. Anyone know what I should do?
  8. Hi Everyone, It's been a while since I've been on this site! I've just finished another Sailor Ink Vase/Jewel Bottle and wanted to offer it as a PIF since a few people had signed up for the last one. I will cover the shipping via USPS ground, so unfortunately I can only open this to the US. If you are interested, please let me know by end of day next Saturday 7/13. I will post a winner on Sunday and ship the empty bottle on Monday. Thank you!
  9. Lunoxmos

    Mabie Todd & Co 'swan' Ink

    I recently went down to an antique shop and I happened to find some 'Swan' Ink bottles, made by Mabie Todd & Co in Sydney Australia. One bottle was labeled "PERMANENT BLUE BLACK" while the other was "VIVID RED". They appear to have what is most likely dried ink in them, though there is a chance that the permanent blue-black one contains iron oxide sediment at the bottom considering it is most likely an iron gall ink. Is it possible that I could receive some information on them (there doesn't appear to be much about it online), as well as whether it is safe to reconstitute the ink inside of them? Also. since there appears to be rust on the caps, how would I open the bottles without having to smash the glass or any other method that involve s the destruction of the bottle? (Or should they stay closed?)
  10. With the help of a simple flexible tube that fits over the nib section, here's how to get that very last drop of your favorite ink. https://youtu.be/JE1ZxNk5hiQ
  11. oraxia

    Ferris Wheel Press?

    Anyone heard of Ferris Wheel Press inks? (Or pens, for that matter?) There was a Kickstarter for their inks a while back that would likely be going out to backers shortly, and you can apparently pre-order via their IndieGoGo campaign. I'd only just heard of it yesterday and I must admit that I was instantly smitten with, of all things, the bottle the ink comes in In spite of the "most magical FP ink" billing, the colors aren't particularly grabbing my attention, but that's possibly just my monitor not doing it justice, and the only review I could find was this at Gourmet Pens. Apart from a color swatch of all three ink colors and more pictures of the pretty bottles, there isn't a lot more non-press information to go on, so I was hoping perhaps someone here might have experience with or otherwise be in the know. Trying really hard not to buy one just for the bottle, because that would be a kinda pricey bottle if I ended up not liking the ink...
  12. Hi everyone, I was wondering if I was about to commit what some of you might call a "crime against humanity", do you think it is sacrilegious to remove the label from an old Sheaffer Skrip Bottle that has an inkwell? I intend to use the bottle for storing different black inks and I mostly bought it for utilitarian purposes because it is great design and bottles like that just aren't made anymore. But I also know it's place in history and was wondering if I was about to ruin an object that has in some sense, historical significance even if it is still quite common... Here's what it looks like with the label still intact (the picture is badly framed, sorry): http://i65.tinypic.com/i19x6s.jpg
  13. My question is simple--does such a thing exist? I fell down a rabbit hole of looking at ink blotters the other day, shortly after crawling out of a rabbit hole of looking at inks (and their cute little bottles), and it struck me that a lot of the smaller rocker blotters kind of have a profile that could be the shape of a bottle. I tried Googling, and the closest thing I could find to a bottle in that shape is this half moon bottle, and it's definitely not suitable for holding ink with that narrow opening, nor for blotting being that it is so narrow overall. Just about all of what I come across are sets which include both items, rather than an item which is both, and the rest is simply one or the other. The root of the problem is that now that I have had the inkling that it might work, I sort of want such an item
  14. Beautiful copperplate on the label of this pre-prohibition bottle of rye whiskey, far left in the photo accompanying this article. The majescules are especially impressive. https://oldliquorsmagazine.com/the-last-call-pre-prohibition-bourbon/
  15. Fit_to_Print

    15 Ml Glass Bottles

    As my ink collection continues to grow, I'm getting more concerned about contaminating my supply. The germaphobe in me is a little anxious about dipping a nib into a nearly full 3 oz. bottle of water-based ink. Plus, if I knock over a 1/2 oz. bottle of ink, I'll be less angry with myself than if I spill 3 ounces of Apache Sunset all over my desk. Anyone know a good source for smaller glass bottles? I've been on the hunt (on Amazon) for some 10 to 15 ml glass bottles for decanting ink, but most of the reviews I've seen are very mixed: cracked or poorly fitting caps. I also plan to keep a few little bottles of ink at work as a backup supply, in case I get careless and forget to check my ink levels.
  16. Hey everyone! I just got this idea and tried it. I am new to fountain pens and have some ink bottles that are taller than I would like. I am a klutz so I tried to figure out how to keep the bottles (ahem, Noodler's, ahem) from tipping over while I was filling them. I took the box the ink came in and use only one other piece of cardboard to make this pretty stable stand for my Noodler's ink. It is as simple as cutting the box down a bit, folding over the sides and taping the flaps to a square piece of cardboard. I have included a graphic and two images of what I came up with. I used duct tape. Hoping to learn stuff from everyone here. Thanks bbrachman
  17. Hey guys, I found this bottle of 4001, can you help me identify the age of the bottle and it's possible worth? Many thanks
  18. Ink Stained Wretch

    Pilot Black In A Cartridge V. In A Bottle

    Does anyone have any experience with using Pilot Black ink from a cartridge and Pilot Black ink from a bottle? I mostly want to know if they are the same formulation or if the cartridge ink is different from the bottled Pilot Black ink. Thanks for any information on this.
  19. Deepak_Pandya

    Ink Stores In India?

    Hey hi! Thanks for taking interest. Could anyone help me out with ink stores in India? I would prefer the ones who give an option to order online. (Of course, I cannot travel all of India just for some ink bottles :/ ) I live in a small town & all that is available here is Camlin Blue & Red inks. If you are lucky, you may find Parker Quinky. I'm looking for inkwells up to INR 500 but cannot find stores. I have been swarming the internet since last week but to no good. I've been through pensavenvue.com, pensindia.com & of course snapdeal, flipkart, ebay and amazon. Here's what I've seen: Pelikan inks (32/65ml base colors RGBY) : INR 200-400 : OUT OF STOCK Diamine inks (30-60ml base colors RGY, blue available): INR 375-500: OUT OF STOCK Waterman inks: Same, out of stock. I mean, come on! All they've got of these brands are 850 & above! You name it! Lamy, Diamine, Waterman, J.herbin, etc. Can't find varied colors in any local brands & I'm not going to use camlin. I've tried to shop cross country but the shipping charges are more than the cost of product, obviously. :/ I currently use PILOT NAMIKI IROSHIZUKU - Ku-jaku Peacock Deep Turquoise Blue (50ml) & it cost me 1500 INR. I ordered it from engeika.com. If you buy the same thing from any of the Indian stores, you get it for 2500. Now, I can't afford 1500 for ever color and just for 50ml. So, I'm looking for varied colors & a bit of quality at the same time. So, any suggestion regarding stores / places to buy would be helpful. Also, please let me know if there are any Indian brands who make good inks. Thank you!
  20. Hey there! I am looking for inks which can be used in a professional setting but have a tiny bit of fun with them. For me, these inks should be very dark, so that by not taking a closer look you could mistake them for a blue or even black ink, but at a second glance you can see a tiny pop of color. So almost black, but with something extra. Some inks that could be used as examples: - Noodler's red-black - Mont Blanc British Racing Green - maybe Mont Blanc Albert Einstein I am happy to hear your suggestions, as I am not that knowledgable about all the inks yet, and I am sure you have many good ideas.
  21. h_s_shrivastava

    Has Parker Changed Quink Bottle Design?

    While googling, got this different image of Parker Quink bottle. I haven't seen this before. Is this new design?
  22. This might seem like a very, very stupid question and I am sure the solution must be staring me right in the face, but what the heck do you use to hold the ink for an oblique holder dip pen? It's really frustrating me! I have a few dip pens and recently picked up an oblique holder and some nice bouncy flexible nibs. So long as the ink bottle is close to full it's fine, but it won't go deep into the bottle; what do you put the ink in?
  23. Hey guys! I'm not sure whether anyone has ever brought this topic up before (if so, I'm sorry). I ordered J. Herbin inks in two batches, both from different retailers, and my local retailer sent me bottles with plastic caps on them whereas the one in the Netherlands sent ones with metal caps (and they had stickers on the back with serial numbers, the ones from my local retailer didn't). So I was wondering whether J. Herbin made this change (a few years back maybe? because I suspect the ones I got locally are old stock). Thank you in advance
  24. Intellidepth

    Visconti Ink Bottle(S) Dimensions

    Hi, I purchased an antique inkwell in the shape of a knight's helmet (with neck). It has no liner but a 'martini glass' shaped Visconti ink bottle may fit perfectly. Would someone be so kind as to measure their Visconti bottle(s) for me and post up the dimensions please? I know they have a variety of versions in glass and plastic. I'm seeking the base diameter, height to first curve outward, height to maximum curve outward, total height including lid, and maximum diameter of the bottle towards the top. It would be helpful if a pic were able to be posted to show me which edition of the bottle has been measured. Thank you.
  25. Hi everyone! I've been lurking around FPN for a while now, and this is my first post! I wanted to share something interesting about the Quink Permanent Blue. I couldn't find any green Quink anywhere, so I tried calling Parker to see if they stocked it, or could point me to a retailer that did. They didn't and told me all they had was black and permanent blue. I had always wondered why permanent blue had "permanent" in its name when it is not waterproof at all, and fades fairly easily. So I asked them, and got an interesting answer. Apparently the "permanent" Quinks have metal incorporated into them that essentially gets embedded into the paper. When the ink fades, or is rendered illegible due to water or whatnot, you can get what was originally written recovered professionally. Did anybody know about this?!?! I've used Quink as my everyday writing ink for ages, and had no idea. I was mindblower. Is this a feature found in any other inks?? Very interesting, or at least IMHO.

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