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  1. Dear FPN'ers, Greetings. We feel very happy to share this happy notes. We are receiving Customer appreciations very frequently/ daily basis. But this one is special- A handwritten Customer Satisfaction / Appreciation notes using Ranga Pens ,sent from USA to India. Big thanks Sir!!! You know how to motivate Craftsmen:) We understand how much you love our Pens. Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  2. I'm looking at https://rangapens.com/, and they offer a large variety of nibs in their handmade pens: Schmidt, Jowo, and Bock, steel & titanium. I'd hate to just guess and then have long round trips of shipping from US to India for swaps & service, so I wonder if anyone has some thoughts on: * How soft or springy do the various brands and materials tend to be in broad-point and medium-point? I don't write flexy-style, but I like a little bounce on the nib and paper. * Are there general trends of wetness vs dryness across the brands and materials? I know this depends a lot on tuning, maybe completely on tuning, but perhaps someone knows some general trends. * How buttery versus feedbacky do the various brands and materials tend to be (after tuning)? I'm ambivalent about this. Too much feedback can get tiring, too buttery can be annoying, too. * How easy is it to tune the nibs without dismounting them for these various brands and materials? * Any general differences in steel versus titanium in softness, feedbacky-ness, tunability? * I have a couple Goulet #6 broad-points, and I like them. Anyone know whether they are one of those brands? * Any comparisons in performance and feel to other nibs I am familiar with, i.e., Namiki #50, Montblanc 149, Visconti dreamtouch Palladium? (thinking out loud) these pens are so inexpensive that maybe I should just order three barrels each threaded for one of the three brands (I am pretty sure the three brands differ in threading, so the barrels would not be mutually compatible), then start experimenting with the nibs.
  3. FPN members plz tell me - those who have used both the JoWo steel nib and JoWo gold nib - is the writing experience with the gold nib better? Also is the tipping material better on the jowo gold nibs compared to their steel nibs? what's your overall experience with these nibs comparatively ? Thanks
  4. Dear fellow FP users Greetings!!! Our customers love Matte finish . So We decided that it deserves more promotion So we are running "Matte is Marvellous" Theme offer this time. It is good Chance to buy Ranga Ebonite Pens and gift them to beloved persons. There are lot of Reviews for these Models in various FPN threads. The Highlights of this offer is 1. Various Popular Ranga Pens (15 Models) in Various beautiful ebonite colours as usual. 2. Various Nib Choices (German Bock / Jowo /Schmidt screw in nibs) This is Valid till 31-Oct-19 In order to participate in the Offer just fill the Google Form (Link Below) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNT21Q7173AH8WAtmORJ7tzNg6GIzoZWgHVKJAZ5feRJRzyw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Available Colours are as follows: A. Special/ Regular Ebonite Colours (SE Series) Solid Forest Green (S1) Forest Green - Black Ripple(S2) Forest Green - Honey Ripple(S3) Forest Green - Khaki Ripple(S4) Forest Green - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S5) Forest Green - Teal Blue Ripple(S6) Teal Blue - Black Ripple(S7) Teal Blue - Khaki Ripple(S8) Mustard Yellow - Black Ripple(S9) Solid Maroon(S11) Rose Red - Black Ripple(S12) Rose Red - Mauve Ripple(S13) Rose Red - Forest Green Ripple(S15) Rose Red -Bottle Green Ripple (S16) Rose Red - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S17) Brick Red - Khaki Ripple(S18) Brick Red - Black Ripple(S19) Teal Blue - Orange Ripple(S20) Soid Crimson Red (S22) Solid Olive Green (S23) Solid Golden Brown (S24) Green/ Greenish Blue Ripple(S25) Solid Teal (S27) Solid Military Green(S29) B. Regular Colours (RE Series) Brown Ripple (R1) Green Ripple(R2) Olive Ripple (R3) Solid Black(R4) Mottled Brown(R5) Mottled Green(R6) Mottled Olive Brown(R7) C. Premium Ebonite Colours (PE Series) Black Yellow Swirl (P2) Blue Pink Swirl(P3) Solid Pale Green(P4) Blue White Swirl (P5) Pale Pink/ Red Black Swirl (P6) Green Yellow Swirl (P7) Solid Pink(P8) Blue /Green /Orange Swirl(P9) Green/Pale Pink(P13) Blue/ Pink/Pale Yellow Swirl (P14) Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 3: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $58 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $73 RANGA Model 3C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $58 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $73 RANGA Model 4: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $78 RANGA Model 4C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $78 RANGA Model 5: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $74 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $89 RANGA Model 8: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 14mm, Barrel Dia : 12.5mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $78 RANGA Model 8B: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $78 RANGA Model 9B: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $78 RANGA Model Giant 9B: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $74 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $89 RANGA Thin Bamboo: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 14mm dia (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $72 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 RANGA Bamboo (Regular Size): (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 16mm dia (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $80 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 RANGA Giant Bamboo: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $110 RANGA Thin Sugarcane: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 16mm dia at the Node (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $72 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 RANGA REgular Sugarcane (Regular Size): (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 17.5mm dia at the Node (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 6.5 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $80 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 RANGA Giant Sugarcane : (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia at the Node (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $110 Without German Bock/JOWO/Schmidt nib -12USD less Finish - Matte (Bakul) Clip Option - Clip-less or Gold Clip or Silver Clip Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price) Bock Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered or Titanium Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered or Titanium Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered or Titanium Bock Calligraphy 1.1 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone ,Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,, Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Titanium nibs: Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(59$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point (185$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 8 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(230$ Extra) JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12) Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks. Making Time: 4-5 Weeks after payment Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com In order to participate in the Offer just fill the Google Form (Link Below) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNT21Q7173AH8WAtmORJ7tzNg6GIzoZWgHVKJAZ5feRJRzyw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Note: If you buy More than 2 Pens and if you don't want to fill the form, You can directly send the specs to our mail id mpkandan@yahoo.co.in Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company Dear fellow FP users Our customers love Matte finish . So We decided it deserves more promotion So we are running "Matte is Marvellous" Theme offer this time. It is good Chance to buy Ranga Ebonite Pens and gift them to beloved persons. There are lot of Reviews for these Models in various FPN threads. The Highlights of this offer is 1. Various Popular Ranga Pens (15 Models) in Various beautiful ebonite colours as usual. 2. Various Nib Choices (German Bock / Jowo /Schmidt screw in nibs) This is Valid till 31-Oct-19 In order to participate in the Offer just fill the Google Form (Link Below) Available Colours are as follows: A. Special/ Regular Ebonite Colours (SE Series) Solid Forest Green (S1) Forest Green - Black Ripple(S2) Forest Green - Honey Ripple(S3) Forest Green - Khaki Ripple(S4) Forest Green - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S5) Forest Green - Teal Blue Ripple(S6) Teal Blue - Black Ripple(S7) Teal Blue - Khaki Ripple(S8) Mustard Yellow - Black Ripple(S9) Solid Maroon(S11) Rose Red - Black Ripple(S12) Rose Red - Mauve Ripple(S13) Rose Red - Forest Green Ripple(S15) Rose Red -Bottle Green Ripple (S16) Rose Red - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S17) Brick Red - Khaki Ripple(S18) Brick Red - Black Ripple(S19) Teal Blue - Orange Ripple(S20) Soid Crimson Red (S22) Solid Olive Green (S23) Solid Golden Brown (S24) Green/ Greenish Blue Ripple(S25) Solid Teal (S27) Solid Military Green(S29) B. Regular Colours (RE Series) Brown Ripple (R1) Green Ripple(R2) Olive Ripple (R3) Solid Black(R4) Mottled Brown(R5) Mottled Green(R6) Mottled Olive Brown(R7) C. Premium Ebonite Colours (PE Series) Black Yellow Swirl (P2) Blue Pink Swirl(P3) Solid Pale Green(P4) Blue White Swirl (P5) Pale Pink/ Red Black Swirl (P6) Green Yellow Swirl (P7) Solid Pink(P8) Blue /Green /Orange Swirl(P9) Green/Pale Pink(P13) Blue/ Pink/Pale Yellow Swirl (P14) Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 3: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $58 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $73 RANGA Model 3C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $58 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $73 RANGA Model 4: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $78 RANGA Model 4C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $78 RANGA Model 5: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $74 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $89 RANGA Model 8: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 14mm, Barrel Dia : 12.5mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $78 RANGA Model 8B: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $78 RANGA Model 9B: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $63 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $78 RANGA Model Giant 9B: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $74 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $89 RANGA Thin Bamboo: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 14mm dia (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $72 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 RANGA Bamboo (Regular Size): (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 16mm dia (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $80 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 RANGA Giant Bamboo: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $110 RANGA Thin Sugarcane: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 16mm dia at the Node (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $72 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 RANGA REgular Sugarcane (Regular Size): (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 17.5mm dia at the Node (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 6.5 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $80 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 RANGA Giant Sugarcane : (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia at the Node (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $90 Premium Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $110 Without German Bock/JOWO/Schmidt nib -12USD less Finish - Matte (Bakul) Clip Option - Clip-less or Gold Clip or Silver Clip Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price) Bock Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered or Titanium Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered or Titanium Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered or Titanium Bock Calligraphy 1.1 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone ,Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,, Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Titanium nibs: Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(59$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point (185$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 8 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(230$ Extra) JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12) Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks. Making Time: 4-5 Weeks after payment Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com In order to participate in the Offer just fill the Google Form (Link Below) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNT21Q7173AH8WAtmORJ7tzNg6GIzoZWgHVKJAZ5feRJRzyw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Note: If you buy More than 2 Pens and if you don't want to fill the form, You can directly send the specs to our mail id mpkandan@yahoo.co.in Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  5. Dear Fellow FP users Over the years We have successfully organized many group buys. We had tremendous response for our Acrylic Group Buy on last month We are happy to introduce these :RANGA HANDMADE PREMIUM AND REGULAR ACRYLIC PENS SERIES" to FPN'ers in our Model 9B and Bamboo. These Acrylics are simply Visual stunner's. It is very ideal for Daily use, Collection and Gifting There are lot of Reviews for these Models in various FPN threads. The Highlights of these Group buy are 1. Attractive 26 colours in Acrylics 2. Wide Variety of Nib Choices 3. Two beautiful Popular Models (9B , Bamboo)) This Group Buy is Valid till 31-Sep-19 In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSIxmHMRHMg_Y2eXa9bYBMWvNy7hBJqfRwlfxgxRgD_W86aA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Available Colours are as follows: A. Premium Acrylic Colours (SE Series) P1.Red Cracked Ice P2.Black Cracked Ice P3. Red Gold Cracked Ice P4.Blue Red Cracked Ice P5.Aqua Cracked Ice P6.Orange Cracked Ice P7.Brown Cracked Ice P8.White Cracked Ice P9.Green Cracked Ice P10.Blue Cracked Ice B.Regular Acrylic Colours (RE Series) R1. Red R2. Blue R3. Orange R4. Yellow R5. White R6. Green R7. Ivory R9. Blue Pearl R10.Red Blue Swirl R11.Aqua Blue Swirl R12.Red Swirl R13.Brown Swirl R14.Red Purple Swirl R15.White Red Swirl R16 Red Pearl Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 9B: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Premium Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $75 Regular Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $60 RANGA Model Bamboo: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Premium Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 Regular Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $75 Without German Bock/JOWO/Schmidt nib -12USD less Bock #6 Size Titanium Nibs - 59$ More Bock #6 Size 18K Nibs -185$ More Bock #8 Size 18K Nibs- 230$ More Finish - Polished or Matte (Bakul) Clip Option - Clipless or Gold Clip or Silver Clip Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price) Bock Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.1 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone ,Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,, Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Titanium nibs: Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(59$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point (185$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 8 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(230$ Extra) JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12) Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks. Making Time: 3-4 Weeks after payment Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSIxmHMRHMg_Y2eXa9bYBMWvNy7hBJqfRwlfxgxRgD_W86aA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Note: If you buy More than 2 Pens and if you don't want to fill the form, You can directly send the specs to our mail id mpkandan@yahoo.co.in Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  6. Dear Fellow FP users Over the years We have successfully organized many group buys. There are lot of frequent inquiries for Acrylic Versions of our Various Ranga Handmade Pens in the recent days. We are very happy to introduce these :RANGA HANDMADE PREMIUM ACRYLIC PENS SERIES" to FPN'ers in our Model 4, Model 4C and Model 5 There are lot of Reviews for these Models in various FPN threads. The Highlights of these Group buy are 1. Attractive 10 colours in Acrylics 2. Wide Variety of Nib Choices 3. Three beautiful Popular Models (4, 4C, 5) This Group Buy is Valid till 31-July-19 In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScon3zzj82yxBAk1SuIGi6Kyu2_pofI9AfJ8ciOYWBkHxh_Nw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Available Colours are as follows: A. Premium Acrylic Colours P1.Red Cracked Ice P2.Black Cracked Ice P3. Red Gold Cracked Ice P4.Blue Red Cracked Ice P5.Aqua Cracked Ice P6.Orange Cracked Ice P7.Brown Cracked Ice P8.White Cracked Ice P9.Green Cracked Ice P10.Blue Cracked Ice Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 4: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Premium Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $75 RANGA Model 4C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Premium Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $75 RANGA Model 5: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Premium Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 Without German Bock/JOWO/Schmidt nib -12USD less Bock Titanium Nibs- 59$ More Bock #6 18K Nibs- 185$ More Bock #8 Size Nibs -230$ More Finish - Polished Clip Option - Clipless or Gold Clip or Silver Clip Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price) Bock Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.1 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone, Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone, Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Titanium nibs: Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(59$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point (185$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 8 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(185$ Extra) JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Black Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Dual Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12) Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks. Making Time: 3-4 Weeks after payment Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScon3zzj82yxBAk1SuIGi6Kyu2_pofI9AfJ8ciOYWBkHxh_Nw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Note: If you buy More than 2 Pens and if you don't want to fill the form, You can directly send the specs to our mail id mpkandan@yahoo.co.in Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  7. Dear Fellow FP users Over the years We have successfully organized many group buys. We are happy to introduce these New Solid Ebonite Colours to FPN'ers . There are lot of Reviews for these Models in various FPN threads. The Highlights of these Group buy are 1. Seven solid Ebonite Colours 2. Famous Bock Titanium Nibs are included 3. Bock #8 Size 18K gold nibs are available 4. Bock Black and Red Lcquered Nibs are available 5. Various Nib Choices (German Bock / Jowo /Schmidt screw in nibs) and Various Filling Mechanism (Eyedropper/ CC Filling ) This Group Buy is Valid till 30-April-19 In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeT-xcpV2f3JUBWJkFBSQMzqvaOcpygAdXTti-F7lK5zejFuQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Available Colours are as follows: A. Special/ Regular Ebonite Colours (SE Series). It has random Minimal Black Specs S22. Solid Crimson Red S24. Solid Golden Brown S26. Solid Chocolate Brown S27. Solid Sacramento Green /Teal S28. Solid Grass Green S29. Solid Military Green S30. Solid Quetzal Green Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 3: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter : US $59 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $32 RANGA Model 3C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 14mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $59 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $32 RANGA Model 4: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $64 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $34 RANGA Model 4C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $64 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $34 RANGA Model 5: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $71 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $43 RANGA Bamboo (Regular Size): (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 16mm dia (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $84 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $49 RANGA Giant Bamboo: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia / 17mm Dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Regular / Special Ebonite- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $94 Regular/ Special Ebonite Eyedropper: US $59 Without German Bock/JOWO/Schmidt nib -12USD less Bock Titanium Nibs- 59$ More Bock #6 18K Nibs- 185$ More Bock #8 Size Nibs -230$ More Finish - Polished or Matte (Bakul) Clip Option - Clipless or Gold Clip or Silver Clip Nib Option: For Eyedropper Kanwrite 35 mm Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual Tone Kanwrite 35 mm Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual Tone Kanwrite 35 mm Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual Tone Kanwrite Nib 35 mm Flex - Chrome Tone Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price) Bock Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.1 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Titanium nibs: Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(59$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point (185$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 8 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(185$ Extra) JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Black Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone or Dual Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12) Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks. Making Time: 5 Weeks after payment Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread http://https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeT-xcpV2f3JUBWJkFBSQMzqvaOcpygAdXTti-F7lK5zejFuQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1 Note: If you buy More than 2 Pens and if you don't want to fill the form, You can directly send the specs to our mail id mpkandan@yahoo.co.in Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  8. Dear Fellow FP users We are happy to introduce these :RANGA HANDMADE PREMIUM ACRYLIC PENS SERIES" to FPN'ers in our Model 4, Model 4C and Model 5 The Highlights of these Introduction are 1. Attractive 26 colours in Acrylics 2. Wide Variety of Nib Choices 3. Three beautiful Popular Models (4, 4C, 5) 4. Offer Price till 31st Aug-19 Available Colours are as Below -------------------------------------------------- A.Regular Acrylic Colours (RE Series) R1. Red R2. Blue R3. Orange R4. Yellow R5. White Red Swirl R6. Green R7. Ivory R9. Blue Pearl R10.Red Blue Swirl R11.Aqua Blue Swirl R12.Red Swirl R13.Brown Swirl R14.Red Purple Swirl R15.White Red Swirl R16 Red Pearl Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 4: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $60 RANGA Model 4C: (Thickness-Cap Dia: 16mm, Barrel Dia : 16mm , Length - App 5.75 inches ) Regular Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $60 RANGA Model 5: (Clipless Model) (Thickness- 18.75mm dia based on availability (barrel and Cap), Capped Length - App 7 inches ) Premium Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $85 Regular Acrylic- With German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Schmidt Converter: US $70 Without German Bock/JOWO/Schmidt nib -12USD less Bock #6 Size Titanium Nibs - 59$ More Bock #6 Size 18K Nibs -185$ More Bock #8 Size 18K Nibs- 230$ More Finish - Polished or Matte (Bakul) Clip Option - Clipless or Gold Clip or Silver Clip Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price) Bock Extra Fine Nib - Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Fine Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,Dual Tone , Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.1 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone ,Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Chrome Tone ,Gold Tone,, Black Lacquered, Red Lacquered Bock Titanium nibs: Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(59$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 6 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point (185$ Extra) Bock 18K Nib # 8 Size Nibs:- Fine Point or Medium Point or Broad Point(230$ Extra) JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Fine Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone JoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Chrome Tone or Gold Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone No Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12) No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12) Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks. Making Time: 3-4 Weeks after payment Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  9. I have been looking through some old compatibility threads but haven't found an answer to my question, so if this has been addressed elsewhere I apologize in advance. I was wondering what nib is compatible with the Diplomat Magnum. Goulet says the Magnum has a JoWo nib, but doesn't say what size. I know that #5 and #6 are standard sizes, but don't know which is on the Diplomat. The stock Diplomats only come in three nib types and now that I finally got brave enough to change a nib on a Lamy I'm keen to try some others. Thanks.
  10. Dear All FPN'ers, RANGA HANDMADE PENS Introducing Premium Acrylic Pen Series in the India Pen Show with Infinite colours and Models. Please Visit us at Table number 26 in India Pen show on 2nd and 3rd Feb-19. Venue- Nehru Hall, Mumbai , India. Many more are coming. Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company Email: mpkandan@yahoo.co.in
  11. Dear fellow FP users Ranga Handmade Pens wishes you Fantastic New Year 2019 We are introducing Model 9B and Giant Model 9B in beautiful Ebonites. Few more Solid colour Ebonites are available this time. The specialty of this Group Buy is 1. Lot of Ebonite colours (Beautiful 39 colours) and unlimited Nib Choices (Bock/Jowo/Schmidt/Indian nib) . 1.Model 9B torpedo shape pen in classic style. Capped Length:App 150mm .,Cap Dia -16mm, Barrel Dia -16mm. Section is hour glass section. All our pens are completely handmade. 2.Giant Model 9B is bigger version of Model 9B. Capped Length : App 175mm . Cap Dia -17mm or 18.75mm dia based on availability, Barrel dia-17mm or 18.75mm dia based on availability. Section is hour glass section. All our pens are completely handmade. This Group Buy is Valid till 20-Feb-19 In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrijq9CJl3qf7ivO6MLBzHZ1U6HQru9YRgs7b2ZlYASy4saQ/viewform Available Colours are as follows: A. SpecialRegular Ebonite Colours (SE Series) Solid Forest Green (S1)Forest Green - Black Ripple(S2)Forest Green - Honey Ripple(S3)Forest Green - Khaki Ripple(S4)Forest Green - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S5)Forest Green - Teal Blue Ripple(S6)Teal Blue - Black Ripple(S7)Teal Blue - Khaki Ripple(S8)Mustard Yellow - Black Ripple(S9)Rose Red - Black Ripple(S12)Rose Red - Mauve Ripple(S13)Rose Red - Forest Green Ripple(S15)Rose Red - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S17)Brick Red - Khaki Ripple(S18)Brick Red - Black Ripple(S19)Teal Blue - Orange Ripple(S20)Solid Crimson Red( S22)Solid Olive Green (S23)Solid Golden Brown (S24)Green/ Blue Ripple (S25)Solid Chocolate Brown (S26)Solid Sacramento Green (S27) B. Regular Colours (RE Series) Brown Ripple (R1)Green Ripple(R2) Olive Ripple (R3)Solid Black(R4)Mottled Brown(R5)Mottled Green(R6)C. Premium Ebonite Colours (PE Series) Solid Blue(P1)Black Yellow Swirl (P2)Blue Pink Swirl(P3)Solid Pale Green(P4)Blue White Swirl (P5)Green Yellow Swirl (P7)Solid Pink(P8)Blue Green Orange Swirl(P9)Green/Pale Pink(P13)Blue/ Pink/Pale Yellow Swirl (P14)Prices are as follows: RANGA Model 9B (ED Version)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $35 (Regular Price : 45$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $49 (Regular Price : 60$)RANGA Model 9B (CC Mechanism)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $66 (Regular Price : 83$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $79 (Regular Price : 98$)RANGA Giant Model 9B (ED Version)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $42 (Regular Price : 55$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $58 (Regular Price : 72$)RANGA Giant Model 9B (CC Mechanism) REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $70 (Regular Price :93$) PREMIUM EBONITE: US $88 (Regular Price : 110$) 5.Finish - Polished or Matte (Bakul) 6.Clip Option - 1.Model 9B: Clip-less or Gold Clip or Silver Clip 2. Model Giant 9B : Only Clipless 7. Nib Option: For Eyedropper Kanwrite 35 mm Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual ToneKanwrite 35 mm Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual ToneKanwrite 35 mm Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual ToneKanwrite Nib 35 mm Flex - Chrome Tone 8. Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price)Bock Medium Nib- Chrome Tone Bock 18K Broad Nib (185$ Extra)JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Gold Tone or Chrome ToneJoWo Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneJoWo Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneJoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneJoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Dual ToneSchmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneSchmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneNo Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12)No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12)No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12)9.Making Time:4-5 Weeks after payment10.Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks for transit alone.11.Payment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.com In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrijq9CJl3qf7ivO6MLBzHZ1U6HQru9YRgs7b2ZlYASy4saQ/viewform Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company Attached Images
  12. I guess many of you know about Ranga pens. I decided of buying a pen from them. They do offer a lot of nib options namely from JoWo, Bock, Schmidt. I generally like butter smooth nibs with the very least amount of feedback to it. If I were to go for a Fine or an EF nib, which one of the above nib manufacturer should I stick to?
  13. Dear FPN'ers , Good Morning!!!! We had participated in the First India Pen Show on 2nd and 3rd February-19 with tremendous response. We are happy to launch these New Limited Edition Handmade Ebonite Pens dedicating to the India Pen Show All these Ebonites are very unique , beautiful and different. We will not be making it for production run. You will be getting the same pens in the picture. We have just made 50 Pens in different Models all together. We wanted to introduce to FPN'ers first Please contact me in mpkandan@yahoo.co.in for any interest Payment : Paypal id: mpkandan@gmail.com All are ready and available for immediate shipment with in 3 days of payment Nibs : Jowo (Chrome /Gold Monotone ) : EF ,F, M,B,1.1,1.5 Converter: Schmidt K5 Converter 1. RANGA ARTISAN MASTERPIECE PEN (Designer): Price :120$ Capped Length : 7 Inches , Dia 17mm :Clipless Only 2. RANGA Model 5 PENS: Price: 84$ :Capped Length : 7 Inches , Dia 17mm (Flat Shaped Pens) , Dia :18.75mm (Round shaped Pens): Clipless Only 3. RANGA MODEL 4S PENS: Price: 73$ :Capped Length : 5.75 Inches , Dia 14mm : Clip: Chrome / Gold Mono tone 4. RANGA MODEL 9B PENS: Price: 78$ :Capped Length : 6Inches , Dia 16mm : Clip: Chrome / Gold Mono tone Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  14. Dear All, We have made these Pens for Holi- (Festival of Colours - being celebrated in India on today) in Acrylics. The pens are awesome in hand. Hope these colour would add meaning to the festival Presenting the pictures here for our beloved FPN'ers. Comments are welcome Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  15. Dear All, Greetings!!! We are happy in introducing Ranga Handmade Acrylics Model 4C Pens with German Bock/Jowo/Schmidt Screw in Nib and German Converter to FPN'ers It comes in Two colours 1. Blue Mother of Pearl 2. Red Mother of Pearl These pens will also be available at Peytonstreetpens soon Dimension: Capped Length -App 6 Inches. Cp and Barrel dia : 16mm Our Price: 79$ Per Pen Nibs : Lot of Nib Choices in Jowo/ Bock/ Schmidt Converter: Schmidt K5 Clip: White or Gold or Clipless Payment: Paypal id mpkandan@gmail.com Making time : 2 weeks Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  16. Hi Everyone, I was recently putting together another order of custom nibs from FPNibs.com and noticed that they now offer two of their own pens for sale, a green acrylic pen called Ronda that takes JoWo #6 nibs and an amber acrylic pen called Marbella that takes JoWo #5 nibs. They look gorgeous and are reasonably priced, but I couldn't find any reviews of them anywhere. https://www.fpnibs.com/fpnibs/1894-fpnibs-ronda-fountain-pen.html https://www.fpnibs.com/fpnibs/1893-fpnibs-marbella-fountain-pen.html Has anyone tried either of these pens? What are your thoughts about them? Thanks!
  17. Hi all, I am eager to order a custom made fountain pen and from my research, there seem to be a lot of options around. For me, both the smoothness of the nib and the design of the pen are equally important. What is the use of having a gorgeous pen which gives a lot of feedback (in my case!) or have hard starts due to a "poor" nib? I have seen that a lot of companies doing custom made pens offer the 2-tone Jowo nib (which is German made, I guess?) to fit into their pens. My question is: Are the 2-tone Jowo nibs as smooth as, say, the nib on a Faber Castell Ondorro? If not, which nib (the smoother the better) would you recommend to match a custom made fountain pen? Also, any good companies you know which are into custom made fountain pens?
  18. mehandiratta

    Asa Patriot - The Classic

    Lately ASA has released lot of pens and believe they will be coming up with lot more in near future. And today I am reviewing another great pen by them which is ASA Patriot. My detailed review is also shown at wordpress page here Link ASA Patriot I had my eyes on Gama Eyas / Gama Hawk for a quite a long time because i wanted an ebonite pen with the rounded top and bottoms. I was just about to buy the pen and then ASA came out with this beauty named PATRIOT and i quickly grabbed the same. DESIGN & BUILT: The pen is a regular sized pen and comes in 5 color options, shiny black, matte black, light brown rippled, dark brown rippled and green rippled finish. Its a regular sized pen which comes with JoWo nib options of F, M , B and 1.1 Italic size. The pen that i reviewed today comes with 1.1 Italic nib. ASA Patriot with 1.1 JoWo Itaic nib It has a clean and minimalist design. The pen open in 2 and half turns which I beleive is the highlight of the pen being an Indian pen. The top and bottom of pen are rounded which are quite nicely done and has been paid lot of attention as it is a handmade pen. ASA Patriot - Top of Cap and Bottom of Barrel ASA Patriot - Uncapped The section of the pen is finished in black shiny finish which is quite okay and provides for sturdy grip. However i would have liked it even more if the section would also have been given a matte finish. Below is the image which shows the pen broken down in to parts, which shows the Schmidt K5 converter also. ASA Patriot - Taken apart The Clip is chrome finished and quite sturdy and the O ring of the clip is well hidden by the rounded cap top. (Update: these are push in type clips, thus no O ring )The Also i got an option to engrave my name on the pen and i opted for the same to be done at the cap which really adds to the beauty of pen. ASA Patriot - Sturdy Clip ASA Patriot - Name Engraving As mentioned earlier the pen is the regular sized pen and below are the few images to show the comparison against various pens. ASA I Can vs ASA Patriot vs Pilot Metropolitan vs Sheaffer No Nonsense - Capped ASA I Can vs ASA Patriot vs Pilot Metropolitan vs Sheaffer No Nonsense - Uncapped This is a well designed pen which is just a class apart in built quality. Actually its a no fuss design. For the detailed review and more images along with the writing sample please follow the link : ASA PATRIOT
  19. Dear fellow FP users Here is Sweet News for FPN'ers . We have launched Sugarcane Model before 2-3 years which has created great interest among our Customer's . So we decided to do Group buy for this Sugarcane Model in two different sizes 1. Giant Sugarcane 2.Regular Sugarcane . The specialty of this Group Buy is 1. Less than 1 turn to Cap/ Uncap the pen. So Capping / Uncapping would be easier . We have put lot of efforts to do it. 2. Lot of Ebonite colours (Beautiful 39 colours) and unlimited Nib Choices (Bock/Jowo/Schmidt/Indian nib) than ever before 3. We have worked very hard for last few weeks to make pens in all Specs for this Group Buy and take pictures for our customer's . Therefore it gives good visualization of all Specs. 1.Regular Sugarcane - Capped length 6.5 inches approximately. Cap and Barrel Dia - 14.5mm and 16.8 at nodes. Section 11.2mm at maximum part and 10.2mm at center. 2.Giant Sugarcane - Capped length 7 inches approximately. Cap and Barrel Dia - 16.5mm and 18.75 at nodes. Section 11.5mm at maximum part and 10.8mm at center. Ranga Sugarcane Model is beautifully handcrafted So that the pen resembles natural Sugarcane . It takes more time to make a pen. Nodes are crafted perfectly. The top and bottom of the pen are carved beautifully to make it unique. This is a piece of Art . Section is hour glass section. All our pens are completely handmade. This Group Buy is Valid till 15th Aug-18 In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxoghUmtGvpvIi-SgZs3LK3NXoUvKK_g0XoZZYOxGPV-NfyA/viewform?c=0&w=1 Please find reviews of Ranga Sugarcane Model by fellow FPN'ers https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/306789-ranga-sugarcane-review/ Available Colours are as follows: A. Special & Regular Ebonite Colours (SE Series) - Few colours are available for Regular Sugarcane .Few Colours are available for Giant Sugarcane Solid Forest Green (S1)Forest Green - Black Ripple(S2)Forest Green - Khaki Ripple(S4)Forest Green - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S5)Forest Green - Teal Blue Ripple(S6)Teal Blue - Black Ripple(S7)Mustard Yellow - Black Ripple(S9)Solid Maroon(S11)Rose Red - Black Ripple(S12)Rose Red - Forest Green Ripple(S15)Rose Red -Bottle Green Ripple (S16)Rose Red - Mustard Yellow Ripple(S17)Brick Red - Black Ripple(S19)Teal Blue - Orange Ripple(S20)Solid Blue with Black Specs (S21)Solid Olive Green (S23)Green - Blue Ripple (S25) B. Regular Colours (RE Series) Brown Ripple (R1)Green Ripple(R2) Olive Ripple (R3)Solid Black(R4)Mottled Brown(R5)Mottled Green(R6)Mottled Olive Brown(R7)C. Premium Ebonite Colours (PE Series) Solid Blue(P1)Black Yellow Swirl (P2)Blue Pink Swirl(P3)Solid Pale Green(P4)Blue White Swirl (P5)Pale Pink/ Red Black Swirl (P6)Green Yellow Swirl (P7)Solid Pink(P8)Blue Green Orange Swirl(P9)Solid Orange(P10)Green/Pale Pink(P13)Blue/ Pink/Pale Yellow Swirl (P14)Prices are as follows: RANGA RAGULAR SUGARCANE (ED Version)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $49 (Regular Price : 63$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $64 (Regular Price : 78$)RANGA RAGULAR SUGARCANE (CC Mechanism)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $79 (Regular Price : 101$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $94 (Regular Price : 116$)RANGA GIANT SUGARCANE (ED Version)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $59 (Regular Price : 70$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $79 (Regular Price : 90$)RANGA GIANT SUGARCANE (CC Mechanism)REGULAR or SPECIAL EBONITE: US $89 (Regular Price : 108$)PREMIUM EBONITE: US $109 (Regular Price : 128$)Finish - Polished or Matte (Bakul)Clip Option - Clipless onlyNib Option: For Eyedropper Kanwrite 35 mm Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual ToneKanwrite 35 mm Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual ToneKanwrite 35 mm Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual ToneKanwrite Nib 35 mm Flex - Chrome Tone Nib Option: For C/C mechanism (with Schmidt K5 Converter) #6 Nib Options (included in price)Bock Extra Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Dual Tone or Black Tone (7$ Extra)Bock Fine Nib- Dual Tone Bock Broad Nib- Chrome Tone or Dual Tone Bock Calligraphy 1.5 Nib- Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Bock 18K Broad Nib (185$ Extra)JoWo Extra Fine Nib -Dual Tone or Black ToneJoWo Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone or Dual Tone or Black Tone JoWo Medium Nib - Chrome Tone or Dual Tone or Black ToneJoWo Broad Nib - Chrome Tone or Dual Tone or Black ToneJoWo 1.1 Calligraphy Nib - Dual Tone or Black ToneJoWo 1.5 Calligraphy Nib - Dual Tone Or Black toneSchmidt Broad Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneSchmidt Medium Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome Tone Schmidt Fine Nib - Gold Tone or Chrome ToneNo Nib - Threaded for Bock #6 (less USD -12)No Nib - Threaded for JoWo #6 (less USD -12)No Nib - Threaded for Schmidt #6 (less USD -12)Shipping: Via Registered Post which is included in Price and takes 2 -4 Weeks.Making Time: 3-4 Weeks after paymentPayment: Paypal id- mpkandan@gmail.comIn order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxoghUmtGvpvIi-SgZs3LK3NXoUvKK_g0XoZZYOxGPV-NfyA/viewform?c=0&w=1 Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  20. I'd appreciate any insights/feedback about cost-effective German replacement nibs... I've purchased about a dozen Jinhao x750 and x450 pens and have enjoyed swapping out the stock medium nibs for fine. I was going to buy some Goulet nibs from Jowo but then found Knox and Nemosine nibs for half the price. They are also German-made and I have been pleased with how they write. I've also read about Bock nibs but haven't tried any. Does anyone have experience with these various brands/makers of nibs and how they compare? Thanks! Najeeb
  21. Introduction I had always wanted a Bamboo/Sugarcane shaped pen and had stocked up on materials that represent the colour of green and ripened sugarcane material. When fellow FPNer Sanjay Ramaswamy (@Sanjay13leo) got to know of my desire, he proactively reached out to Mr.Kandan of Ranga Pens to commission two pens – one for each of us. I had never dealt with Mr. Kandan before while Sanjay already had their standard bamboo pen. A big thank you to him for having made this pen possible. Design The design of the pen is supposed to mimic a small section of the sugarcane stem. Sugarcane belongs to the grass family Poaceae that also includes bamboo in its lineage. Like Bamboo, sugarcane grows as long, then stems with nodes at regular intervals. The inter-nodal regions of the stem are slightly convex with smooth undulations. In real life, these are stout jointed fibrous stalks that are rich in the sugar sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes. The body of the pen is around 145mm long and mimics two nodes and the stalk area between and around them. One of the nodes is near the top of the cap representing the end finial and the other one in the barrel. The two end finials are characterized by two small holes shaped like simple annular cylinders that represent the hollow stalk between the nodes. All in all, the shape is exactly like a small piece of susutake. As the images will stand testament to, Ranga has managed to deliver exactly what was being sought. This is especially commendable given the blank we had used for getting the ripe sugarcane colour is especially difficult to work on since it is not meant for kitless pens. Ranga however had persevered and despite much pain, managed to deliver a work of art that accurately represents the design brief. http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2034_zpsgfzm31ct.jpg http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2036_zpskl7hzttt.jpg http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2035_zpsec3iuj4n.jpg http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2045_zpsvcqejbms.jpg Size and Balance At 144.5mm capped, this is a regular sized pen. Had it not been for the absence of a clip, it would have fit in squarely into the definition of an EDC (Every Day Carry) pen. There is no metal used anywhere except for the nib and that makes this an incredibly light and comfortable pen to use for extended periods. The weight distribution, the slim section design and the light weight of the polyester briar material all contribute to the comfort. I was initially concerned that the faux node design on the barrel may impact the writing experience, but in real life usage such apprehensions have been soundly negated because the diameter of the barrel even at the thickest point in the node is only 14mm and the smooth undulations don’t even let you feel its presence. Nib Based on my request, Ranga got the pen ready to accept WIN/Jowo #6 nib units. I decided to put on a Dual Tone EF nib unit from WIN/Jowo paired with a Schmidt K5 convertor. The nib was sourced from Mr. Subramaniam of ASApens.in . http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2052_zpsn8mgtwur.jpg http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2054_zpsv9eq8qky.jpg Filling Mechanism It’s a plain vanilla cartridge-convertor system that accepts standard international cartridges and compatible convertors. While it may be vanilla, it remains my favourite flavour for providing the best proposition around value, system longevity, convenience and widespread compatibility. Build Quality To summarize, this pen has impeccable build quality all around with one major flaw or oversight. The seams are well aligned, the threads are smooth and the finish is superlative. The polish on this pen is astounding and beats all expectations. The attention to detail all around is impressive except for the two cylindrical holes at the two ends which have not been polished properly. They still show lathe marks and are an eyesore in an otherwise fabulously finished pen. http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g346/prithwijitchakiPrithwijit/Fountain%20Pen%20Reviews/Ranga%20Sugarcane%20Review/IMGP2046_zpsg6nbpu0p.jpg Writing Experience I am normally not an EF nib user. I prefer Medium nibs for the smoothness and larger sweet spot they typically offer. So I may not be the best person to judge an EF nib. I did however find the nib on this pen rather smooth and comfortable to use so long as you use it within its sweet spot. I did in fact like it better than the Hero 100 fine nib or Schmidt fine nib. For the inaugural use, I had loaded the pen with Sheaffer brown ink. Though it doesn’t have the reputation of being a wet ink or a shading ink, I did notice some element of shading in my writings with this nib. So that tells me that it is a fairly wet nib for an EF and that makes me a happy camper. While I won’t become an EF user because of this one time experience, I would not mind using and recommending this nib to others who prefer F / EF nibs. Price and Value The Sugarcane is not yet a standard model for Ranga and there is no standard price for it. The pen was made by Mr. Kandan as a one off special request from Sanjay and myself. The remuneration they took is modest and equivalent to the cost of any of their standard pens. Nib and blanks were sourced by me on my own and costs for these were obviously extra. Overall, I find this great value because not many pen makers sell custom pens at regular pen prices. Specifications Please find below the measurements of the pen made using non precision instruments and approach. Given that these are handmade pens and there are small piece to piece variations anyway, the measurements should give you a fair enough indication of what to expect from the pen. Length (capped) – 144.5 mm Length (uncapped) – 137 mm Length (cap) – 61.5 mm Length (section) – 20 mm Maximum width (Cap) – 14 mm Minimum width (Barrel) – 11.5 mm Maximum section width – 9 mm Minimum section width – 7.5 mm Conclusion To draw a conclusion with regards to this pen is a bit tricky. If I were to look at the pen dispassionately and judge it by its merits and aesthetics alone, the pen looks superb and a definite buy. Ranga has clearly delivered and has created a masterpiece. However, I cannot help but acknowledge the fact that the design is not very different from Ken Carver’s Bamboo design. Once you realise that, then it makes more sense to opt for the original rather than go through the pains of making a custom pen which is not very different from a pre-existing model. There is one final point I wanted to make before I sign off. The material used for this pen is is a new type of poly-resin called Polyester Briar. This was a fairly new type of material for Ranga who did indeed find this a tad tricky material to use especially when using their traditional tools and methods. This was validated by two other independent pen-makers as well. Given these challenges, it’s doubly commendable on behalf of Ranga to have produced such a stunningly beautiful instrument with such a material. I do applaud them for that.
  22. Dear All, We are planning to make Matte finish finish in all of our available colours for long time. But we made it in this month only. We know there are many fans for Matte/ Bakul finish including me . We are presenting these pictures to Matte finish lovers. The pens in the picture is Model 8B. We can make any models and colours in Matte finish. Please reach us at mpkandan@yahoo.co.in for any requirements Thanks for your support Regards, Kandan.M.P Ranga Pen Company
  23. I recently purchased from Anderson Pens a #6 Jowo M nib to complement the Jowo B nib I got from them in January. Although it says it's an M on my Jinhao 159 it lays down a thick line almost identical to the B nib on my Jinhao x750, and the pen now gushes with the two inks I tried with it (Aurora Black and De Atramentis Petrol). With the stock Jinhao nib the line was more of a F/M and it definitely did not gush (although I used it with different inks). If this is not a mislabeled nib is there a simple way to make it write like it's supposed to? I suppose I could contact Anderson about this and look into an exchange if necessary but I thought I'd ask here first.
  24. It's hard for the central European to pretend that getting a fountain pen produced in India is easy. Such a fountain pen doesn't lie on the shelf in the first store with office supplies. In truth, collector's forums also treat writing instruments from India as... exotic ones. Sometimes you will find the opinion of a passionate who claims - and you believe only in his assurances - that these fountain pens represent such values as quality, good looks, pleasure of possessing. From a certain point of view, this is good, because fountain pens from India are "rare goods" - i.e. they are in possession of a relatively small group of users. The reviews published by the sites: Atelier Novotny, Mehandiratta and Peytonstreetpens are good inspirations. As you can see, Ranga 4c was not a "blind date". In addition, the visit of the Pen Show Day Poland 2017 event - and contact with Japanese ebonite pens - decided that when the opportunity arose (the Group Buy ), the purchase was obvious. The pen ordered in April last year was sent around May 20 and arrived in Poland on June 5. All customs and tax formalities have been reduced to a minimum. Blue premium ebonite. German system: JoWo two-tone color nib #6 B and Schmidt converter. Price fully acceptable - 75 USD. Ranga 4c looks great. It has been beautifully handmade. The color is indeed premium - the same as in the case of Japanese ebonite pens. The body has been thoroughly polished, although it is not the maximum polisher. Ebonite did not carry any imperfections. Small, irrelevant scratches was created as a result of manual processing. The solid structure of the material enables engraving - without any problems. My writing instrument was engraved on the Gravograph M40G machine - the text itself, deep, several dozen precise engraving angles, without enamelling. This way of personalization is effective and very nice. The geometry of the pen is perfect - which deserves to be emphasized because it is really big pen. Ranga 4c is properly balanced and comfortable in the hand. It is not heavy. The edges of the pen are machined straight, but the fingers do not encounter sharper edges. The clip is very easily deflected, among others for this, to wear a pen in a jacket or apron pocket. The thread of the pen is very long - which works well with an eyedropper (the pen is obtained with a tight, greased thread). The pen went to my daughter as a memorial of matriculation examination passed great. Engraver contains a dedication for her.
  25. Hi Fellow FP Addicts Welcome to Mega Group-Buy 2 of Ranga Pens This is an effort for Ranga Handmade Pens with Bock Nibs. For those who missed out on earlier group buys this is the right opportunity to buy various models from the past Groupbuy with the Bock nibs.. This Group Buy is Valid till 28-Feb-18 In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScF0Hcwm7A8idJoGCfrj3av-c_QIdg6PLI1dWx8NBhnfNtLFQ/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link MODELS: Different Models are available for this Group-Buy. The option of various models are as follows: Model 3 ( Previous Group-Buy Link: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/315721-closed-ranga-model-3-and-3c-group-buy-dec-2016/?hl=ranga) Model 4 ( Previous Group-Buy Link: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/320907-closed-ranga-model-4-and-4c-group-buy-april-2017/?hl=ranga) Model 5 ( Previous Group-Buy Link: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/318187-closed-ranga-model-5-varuna-gajendra-group-buy-2017/?hl=ranga) Model 3C ( Previous Group-Buy Link:https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/315721-closed-ranga-model-3-and-3c-group-buy-dec-2016/?hl=ranga) Model 4C ( Previous Group-Buy Link: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/320907-closed-ranga-model-4-and-4c-group-buy-april-2017/?hl=ranga ) NIBS: We(Ranga Pens) are providing the Bock Nibs in CC Mechanism for this Group-Buy as Second time. So for this group buy only Bock nibs will be available and the option for the nibs are as follows: #6 Steel Nib – Gold Monotone Finish: EF, F, M, B, 1.1, 1.5 #6 Steel Nib – Chrome Monotone Finish: EF, F, M, B, 1.1, 1.5 #6 Steel Nib – Dual Tone Finish: EF, F, M, B #6 Gold 18K Nib – F, M,B (@ extra US$ 185) Without Nib But Pen threaded to take Bock Nib (@ less US$ 14) MATERIAL & COLORS: Like the previous Group-Buys, both ebonite and acrylic are available in this group-buy. The various finishes available are as follows: Regular Ebonite: RE Series (Polished or Matte Finish) Solid Black Brown Ripple Olive Ripple Green Ripple Mottled Brown Mottled Olive Brown (Available for Model 3 ,4 , 3C, 4C Alone) Special Ebonite: SE Series (Has Black Specks) (Polished or Matte Finish) Solid Forest Green (Available for Model 3 ,4 , 3C, 4C Alone) Forest Green – Black Ripple Forest Green – Honey Ripple (Available for Model 3 ,4 , 3C, 4C Alone) Forest Green – Khaki Ripple Forest Green – Mustard Yellow Ripple Forest Green – Teal Blue Ripple Teal Blue – Black Ripple Teal Blue – Khaki Ripple (Available for Model 5 Alone) Mustard Yellow – Black Ripple Khaki – Black Ripple (Available for Model 3 ,4 , 3C, 4C Alone) Solid Cherry Red (Not Available) Rose Red – Black Ripple Rose Red – Mauve Ripple (Available for Model 3 ,4 ,5, 3C, 4C Alone) Rose Red – Blue Ripple (Not Available) Rose Red – Forest Green Ripple Rose Red – Bottle Green Ripple (Available for Model 5 Alone) Rose Red – Mustard Yellow Ripple Brick Red – Khaki Ripple Brick Red – Black Ripple Teal Blue – Orange Ripple Solid Bluish Green (Available for Model 5 Alone) Solid Crimson Red (Available for Model 5 Alone) Solid Olive Green Premium Ebonite: PE Series (Polished or Matte Finish) Solid Blue Black Yellow Swirl (Not Available) Blue Pink Swirl Solid Pale Green White Blue Swirl (Not Available) Pale Pink Black Swirl (Not Available) Green Yellow Swirl (Available for Model 5 Alone) Solid Pink Blue Green Orange Swirl (Not Available) Solid Orange Clear Acrylic Demonstrator: Brushed Clear Acrylic – Complete Brushed Clear Acrylic with Polished finial PRICE:The cost of the pen is at par with the earlier Group-Buys. And payment is accepted only via Paypal. Our Paypal id is mpkandan@gmail.com The price is as follows: Model 3 Regular / Special Ebonite: US $55 Premium Ebonite: US $70 Acrylic Demonstrator: US $62 Model 4 Regular / Special Ebonite: US $60 Premium Ebonite: US $75 Acrylic Demonstrator: US $67 Model 5 Regular / Special Ebonite: US $65 Premium Ebonite: US $85 Acrylic Demonstrator: :US $70 Model 3C Regular / Special Ebonite: US $55 Premium Ebonite : US $70 Acrylic Demonstrator : US $62 Model 4C Regular / Special Ebonite: US $60 Premium Ebonite : US $75 Acrylic Demonstrator : US $67 Shipping:Shipping period will be 4 to 5 weeks after payment via Registered Shipping. For Shipping within India kindly PM me In order to participate in the group buy just fill the Google Form (Link Below) and Reply in the thread with "Form Submitted or just repost the choices in thread

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