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Found 17 results

  1. Hello everybody, I'm in search for a desk pad that i saw on ''Rams Documentary'' I've been searching almost everywhere online, but i cant find it. Maybe someone in here knows anything about it? 😀
  2. Hi!. I own a beauty Wahl Eversharp desk fountain pen. It was a gift my mother received n the 1950's. I think it's an ebonite Signature model manufactured between 1920 and 1930, but im not sure. The base is engraved "WAHL EVERSHARP-GOLD FILLED MADE IN CHICAGO, U.S.A.". The nib "WAHL EVERSHARP, 14 K, 2". Somebody know something about?. Thanks!. Jorge.
  3. I got very curious when I saw Gama Ezhuthani on ASA [https://asapens.in/eshop/fountain-pen/gama-ebonite-pens/gama-ezhuthani-ebonite-desk-fountain-pen?sort=p.price&order=ASC]. There are some nice pics in this thread : https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/267615-ezhuthani-desk-pen-from-gama/ does anybody know how such desk-pens were used (placed) on the desk traditionally [in India, or elsewhere]? Does it just lie flat on the table (if so, what prevents it from rolling)? Or does it stay on dedicated cap-holder? Or in a cup-pen-holder along with other pens? If any of you regularly use such desk-pens, how do you place it on your desk? [if you use such a pen] Do you like using desk-pen, and if so, what aspect attracts you to a desk-pen? [if you use such a pen] Does it feel imbalanced while writing with a long desk-pen? Is the increased length of the pen a specific design feature for any functionality, or it is an aesthetic feature? Are such long desk-pens unique to India or are there other traditional non-Indian vintage models with such designs?I think there is something intrinsically very attractive about this type of pen; even when considering the practical difficulties in carrying it around.... Requesting everybody who have used such desk-pens [whichever model it is] to please share your experiences.... Thanks.
  4. I ran across this on ebay. So many of the Sheaffer desk sets seem to be the standard black body fountain pens. These had an nice splash of celluloid color, which I found strangely appealing. (Possibly "Balance" version derived?) Both of them are white dot, lifetime nibs, celluloid bodies with lever fill. They seemed less common than other examples. Enough of my chatter, pictures below.
  5. Good day. A quick query: I'm sure many of you enjoy having a tidy desk and also having your regular/common/(inexpensive/everyday stationery handy. Maybe you would like to share a picture of what's going on on your desk, or in your office or home. Here's mine; I have... - a glass that's just pencils, - one for scissors etc., - an empty one (save for some plastic) for the FP of the day (They reside inside a sleeve in the top drawer), - and a big one for whiteout, protractor, (spoon?) etc. - There's also a bottle I still need to clean out, decorate, and fill with paperclips. Lastly, everything is decorated with leftover paper, and collected stamps. Oh and one very nice, user-grade Estie (Copper/9556/Sailor Black), that's allowed to stay right there.
  6. Looking for suggestions: What do you think are the best fountain pens that can hide in plain sight at an office? Something that writes smoothly, but isn't flashy or call too much attention to itself as a fountain pen? Something that doesn't look expensive, but still functions well? Something that looks kind of average? Something that can be used at an open-plan office, then be left in a pen cup on a desk (mixed with other standard issue ballpoints, etc.)? Dark colored, not-blingy bodies would be best for this. Disposables, like the Pilot Varsity, are good office options, but I'd like something refillable. Bonus points for: -Ink window -XF nib Pens that come to mind: Jinhao 991 and 992 Parker Vector Others?
  7. bsenn

    Parker Dipless

    Anyone have info on this Parker desk set? I'd equate it to an Esterbrook Dipless. The base gets filled with ink, the pen picks that up when placed in the base. The section has two reliefs (not three like VP or 75), one for your thumb, one for your top finger. The nib can be rotated similar to a VP or 75 nib. The section has degree marks, labeled 0 to 7.
  8. First post, be gentle:-) I have cut some of my A4 Tomoe River loose sheets into A5 sheets for note taking using a FP. I'm now looking for a price conscious solution to store these loose A5 sheets on my desk, preferably a tray. Unfortunately all options on ebay/etsy/Amazon are for A4 paper... Any ideas? -y
  9. I found a picture on my hard drive of a fountain pen user's desk, but for the life of me can't remember where I found it originally. The picture was from a blog someone had written about using fountain pens for handwritten correspondence. It's a desk shot, and it looks like the person uses sealing wax. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. OK, so it might me a bit of a stretch to class a desk as "Paper and Pen Paraphernalia" but I was prompted by a post I just saw about an amazing desk and I was wondering what other FPN members might be using. If this is the wrong place for such as post or there's already a similar topic (I looked but couldn't find anything) then moderators, please move/remove. Anyway, this is my desk. I would like to say that it's an heirloom which has been in the family for generations but the truth is that I picked it up a few weeks ago for $80 on Gumtree! So ... post a picture of your desk ... but just make sure your credit card or anything secure isn't lying there in full view first though!
  11. So I saw a writing desk for sale. It was for sale on a local 'buy and sell' type site and the photograph of it was against a white background. No information was given on it at all - nothing. A little suspicious, I rang the number and a desperate seller on the other end explained they were in the process of moving house and the desk wasn't coming so they just wanted to find a good home for it. Now normally I would run from this kind of comment, immediately thinking the worst (maybe it is stolen, maybe it's total junk) but I knew it wasn't a high pressure sale as they were asking for a very small amount of money. I could also hear the removal men in the background and a conversation about what else had to be left behind because of a lack of space in the truck. So I had a day and a half to collect it or it was going into a skip. They explained there was one hinge damaged but could probably be easily fixed. So, not being able to see it in time I took a risk and hired a man and a van to collect it and deliver it. Well; what seemed like a great idea at the time turned into a tiny....or should I say a very big surprise. What I thought was probably a smallish desk turned out to be huge! With a little re-arrangement of the room, it fits - but it sort of dominates a bit. Anyway, it is very nice and with lots of little cupboards and drawers and things. Closed it is a bit dull - all black - but open it reveals a bit of character. The finish is lacquer and is in good condition and the hinge hasn't been fixed yet, but should be an easy job and doesn't effect its use. So here it is; a surprise purchase, but a really nice desk.
  12. Just got this and love it. Just about to ink it up.....it's so tactile. Gorgeous. Parker 51 with 'snail' bands....on the cap, and the barrel. Lovely to just hold and fouter with. The base is blank, a solid brass circle, which could be engraved.....any suggestions on how this might be done/by whom/where? I'm not planning to do it now, but might in the future,more than likely with the symbol on my ring which is in one of the photos(Order of the Unified Heart.....Leonard Cohen fans' symbol) Alex
  13. Alexcat

    Dipless Esterbrook Desk Set

    Im pretty new to fountain pens in general, and saw this, and wondered if anyone could give me a bit more detail....please pardon my ignorance in advance - I go by the notion that the only silly question is the one unasked, so, what exactly is a dipless desk pen? Are the pens filled, them kept in the desk set, rather like my Parker 51 in it's red glass Whitefriars ball? Or, are they actual inkwells, which one fills? Any words of wisdom much appreciated Thanks Alex
  14. Hi, I have this nice Esterbrook desk pen. I'm currently keeping it in a wooden pen holder, however it lets the pen dry out too quickly. So now I'm looking for a proper Esterbrook desk pen holder that is compatible and will do the trick and be nice to the pen. If you have one for sale and are willing to ship it to Europe, please contact me. To be honest, I also looked around on ebay and the biggest problem is that the sellers in the US are shipping things to the EU very expensively. For instance, this particular item might be what I'm looking for, but the shipping costs twice as much as the item itself.
  15. Check this out! Someone on Facebook shared this video, and my jaw dropped. Imagine all the ink and pens you could hide away in this lovely, lovely secretary cabinet. http://themetapicture.com/this-antique-cabinet/ Hopefully, this is the appropriate place to post such greatness and ingenuity.
  16. Ok, so today my missions were to pick up some shellac for a Parker 51 I'm sorting out, and off to the stationery store for some paper ... BUT NO, I HAD TO DRIVE BY THE ONLY YARD SALE IN TOWN ! So I offer her $20 bucks on this pile of kindling, lug it home and surrender 4 hours of some extremely rare leisure time. I'd been secretly fantasizing about something like this since I was infected with FPinitis this summer, and now I'M hopelessly infected. The first pick is the "before" at about 11 this morning, and the next 3 are from about 30 minutes ago. Not anywhere near perfect, but with just the right amount of rustica via a few brads, some brass polish, some mild soap and warer, some mineral oil, a few rags, a brillo pad - I now have a nice setting for those moments of my malady. Im sorry the picture quality is bad, please forgive, time to go do the stalls.
  17. Around 2005 or so, I had first noticed the Pilot desk pen lineup on the online Pilot Catalog, the prices were good but the problem was availability. No one on ebay carried them. Recently, I established a good rapport with a Japan based Pilot dealer and I was able to order these pens. This review is my attempt to document the top and middle pens of the Pilot deskpen range. This review covers the Models: DP-500-B-M and DPN-200-R-M The DP-500 is the top of the line model available in Black or Red resin with 14K gold nib in EF/F/M. The DPN-200 is the next model with an inset GP steel nib(EF/F/M) and a golden tail piece. Surprisingly Pilot does not offer desk bases for these pens(their desk bases are only for ball points), I think it will be a project for me to get it made. Even the gold nibbed pen is priced at just 5250JPY msrp which works out to just 53USD by today's exchange rates, a terrific bargain, IMO. Onto the pens. Commensurate with the asking price, the pens come packaged in a thin cardboard box. http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8783.jpg Some instructions in Japanese: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8784.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8785.jpg The sealed pens: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8786.jpg Liberated: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8787.jpg The stickers: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8788.jpg Opened: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8789.jpg Nibs closeup: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8790.jpg The nib of the DPN-200 is identical to the one found on the Elite 95S except that the DPN-200 has a GP steel nib, this is the first time that I have seen a steel inset nib on a Pilot. http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8791.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8792.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8793.jpg Side view: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8794.jpg Feeders: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8795.jpg Pens opened: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8796.jpg The upscale DP-500 has metal section threads. Cap Lips: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8798.jpg The caps have hexagonal facets on the lip to prevent roll off the desk. the DP-500 has a metallic section clutch inside the cap, the DPN-200 makes do with plastic moulding. The DP-500 caps and uncaps very smoothly. Cap tops: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8797.jpg The Desk pen instruction leaflet: http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8799.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8800.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8801.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8802.jpg http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t543/hari_317/PilotDeskPens/IMG_8804.jpg Ergonomics: The pens are approximately 8 inches capped and slightly less when opened. The pens look really classy in hand and I liked the red inset nib one (i love their inset nibs) with my wife choosing the Black one for her use. I plan to buy the other color counterparts too. If only pilot sold desk bases for these pens, my joy would have been complete. Cheers! Hari

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