For five years, around 1980, I worked for a pen manufacturer, as designer and ingeneer. During this time I discovered that not everything that works, can be or needs to be explained. For an ingeneer, to accept magic and let it exist in his work is a huge step. Thirty odd years later, fountain pens still fascinate me, their function in particular. Therefore, I started publishing my memoires on my web site titled Fountain Pen Magic. You can / will find there all sorts of interesting things relating to technology, function and manufacture, as much as I can remember. The link to my site is Come and visit and let’s initiate communication amongst technically interested fountain pen lovers. At the moment, I write what I believe you are interested in. Writing can be a lonely task. Engagement with you will be a highlight. Enjoy reading and discovering Amadeus W. Penmacher Ingeneer PS: In case you wonder about my spelling of ingeneer…