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Fpn Pen - Mock-Ups



Dearest members of the Board :D,


As promised, here are a few mock-ups of the possibilities, which were all created by our great genius in this regard, the Lord of MT, Ruaidhrí of course, with the exception of the two which don't really correspond to the rest of the series in image quality :D. Just in case: yes, we are in negotiation with Stipula in Florence, Italy...


Stipula Passaporto in Azurite Resin, chrome trim and gold coloured trim:


gallery_17_13_73156.png gallery_17_13_84035.png


Stipula Modello T in Azurite Resin. From left to right: posted with metal section, posted with full azurite section and palladium trim, posted with full azurite section and gold trim, closed with palladium trim and closed gold coloured trim, the latter two with an Azurite clip jewel.


gallery_17_13_96064.png gallery_17_13_83482.png


gallery_17_13_2842.png gallery_17_13_41874.png


gallery_17_13_86638.png gallery_17_13_25384.png


gallery_17_13_78644.png gallery_17_13_21545.png


Stipula Etruria, from left to right posted and closed pairs, first in Azurite Resin, silver (14 K nib) and gold trim (18K duotone), followed by blue celluloid, silver trim (14K nib) and gold trim (18K nib) again.


gallery_17_17_73924.png gallery_17_17_98756.png


gallery_17_17_78394.png gallery_17_17_111674.png


Just watch this space, as we will announce soon when the poll will be up for the next (series of) FPN pen(s), and what the price of each of these beauties will likely be.


Warm regards,


The FPN Admin Team


With special thanks to Ruaidhrí for the magnificent work done for these mock-ups! And yes, these are only mock-ups, not photographs of real pens ...


The poll is up, as is more information, including tentative pricing - click here....


Recommended Comments



I would pounce on the Passaporto. POUNCE!Wow, nice job, Ruaidhrí!

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Ooh, those are all nice. I really like that blue celluloid on the Etruria.

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Wow indeed and checkmate!Etruria - Azzurite resin gold trim (18K duotone)... or maybe silver trim (14k) :unsure:

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I have been eyeing a Model T AND a Etruria--but I would like a titanium nib on the Etruria!

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I cannot choose! :puddle:But I prefer the Passaporta and the Etruria.

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hubba hubba!!!!cloud9.gifEtruria Blue celluloid #1; Passport #2Etruria in Azurite #3

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I would pounce on the Passaporto. POUNCE!Wow, nice job, Ruaidhrí!
Ditto to this! Passaporto! :unsure:
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Azurite Modello T with Azurite section and Palladium trim. Nicely understated. Can't afford the Etruria sadly.

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All are sweet, but my favorite is celluloid blue, silver trim.

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Passaporto in chrome trim, especially if there is a stub/ italic nib option. And the Etruria with silver trim, either the blue celluloid or the Azurite Resin as both are stunning. I've had a Model T and I wouldn't buy another. I just didn't like the way that it fit my hand. Ruaidhri did a beautiful job with these mock-ups! Can't wait to hear...

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All are sweet, but my favorite is celluloid blue, silver trim.
+1 on that!
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Especially like both the Passaporto or the celluloid Etruria... incredible job, Ruaidhrí!

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I'll put in a vote for the celluloid Etruria.I'm afraid the Passaporto is too small for me. It's like trying to write with a jelly bean.

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Passaporto is distinctive. The rest are really somewhat ho-hum.At the risk of heresy charges, I might even buy one! :unsure:

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There will be a poll soon, to determine which ones we should get. By that time we should have a good idea on pricing as well...Warm regards, Wim

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I love the celluloid Etruria with silver trim; the azurite resin Etruria looks nice, too, but I would pick the celluloid first. I also quite like the Passaporto. I don't like the Model T.

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My first choice is the Stipula Etruria (last picture) in either silver or gold. My least favorite is the Stipula Passaporto ... looks too small (short) and I don't care for the squatty look.

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Hmmm love that Azurite. I'd like the Etruria.Are we talking details yet? Piston (not a trapped converter) and a nice .9 mm cursive italic, please. And make that a 15 dgr oblique as well.....Honey, can we get a second mortgage on the house?D.ick

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Either of the Stipula Etruria's! puddle.gifDon't care for the others at all.

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Passaporto is a barfer... :sick:The blue celluloid would be my pick. Hands down. Don't care which furniture. They all look nice... but the gemstone in the clip?? :unsure: :sick: :sick:

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I think that the passaporto is lovely and I'd go for one. Undecided about which furniture color I like best but since my current passaporto is silver maybe gold.

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