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Visiting The Fountain Pen Hospital In Manhattan




I had a chance to visit the Fountain Pen Hospital (http://fountainpenhospital.com) in Manhattan earlier this week. WOW!!! It's pretty amazing.


Had a great conversation with Joseph, who has been working there for 16 years. I tried out a Sailor 1911 with a music nib & some other pens, browsed the gorgeous pens in the showcases, salivated over all the inks and notebooks. I resisted buying any new pens, mainly because (1) I want to get to know my new Pilot Falcon better before considering other gold nib pens, (2) I need to keep an eye on my budget) and (3) was also feeling a tad overwhelmed by ALL THE CHOICES. :-)

This shop was founded in 1946 and used to focus on repairs, but now carries a wide range of vintage as well as modern-day writing instruments...PLUS pens, notebooks, inks and more.


I bought a Rotring pen after hearing about it from artist friends, as well as some inks, notebooks & other pen goodies:


When I got back to my friend's place, however, I realized that somehow my two Rhodia notebooks never made it into the bag...so I had an excuse to go back the next afternoon. Joseph apologized but I reassured him that it was mostly my fault for distracting him while he was ringing up my purchases; I was excitedly chatting with him about pens and the store as well as asking him to take a photo of me in the shop. :-)

Can't wait to try out all my new goodies.


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Sounds fun! I was in Manhattan a few months ago and I wish I had visited that place.


"Can't wait to try out all my new goodies." Lol that's what I say when I get new inks. Now if only I had enough empty fountain pens to use them with.

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Fantastic. Great that you made it to Fountain Pen Hospital. One of the places to go on my list.

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Looks like you had a very exciting time hanging out at the "Hospital." Love that place!

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Flippy: I'm finding that challenge, too! I've been emptying and cleaning out fountain pens so I can fill them up with new inks. :-)


linearM: I loved it at FPH! Resisted buying new pens (mainly because I can't justify the cost right now).


Helen350: I loved it, too! Need to go back.

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I like it! We haven't got stores like this one in Croatia. Our book stores have some pens on sale but i'm noticed people buy cheep pens and they write on keyboards, but there is no beauty, no soul...it can not be passionate like when you take an good pen and note book or qa peace of paper

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I like it! We haven't got stores like this one in Croatia. Our book stores have some pens on sale but i'm noticed people buy cheep pens and they write on keyboards, but there is no beauty, no soul...it can not be passionate like when you take an good pen and note book or qa peace of paper

I have a different problem in Korea. There are plenty of pens, but all of them are ridiculously priced. To sum it up: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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