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Iguana Sell Pens Blog

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Omas Fountain Pen Milord Maroon Resin & Ruthenium

Iguana Sell


This beautiful and elegant Omas Fountain Pen Milord Maroon resembles a doric column with a twelve-sided design that pays homage to the original model created by Armando Simoni back in 1930.

The stunning maroon finish blends a classic look with the sophistication of outstanding technical qualities like the screw-on closure, the nice converter filling system, the ruthenium plated trims and other features which aggregate the quality of the brand.

For over 75 years, Omas has been mastering their motto "A pen must make writing pleasurable" and with the renoval of the "Arte Italiana", the fountain pens market takes another leap forward.


This handsome writing instrument offers great contrasts made by the maroon colour and the ruthenium trims. It also includes the official Omas warranty and the original presentation box. For more information visit www.iguanasell.com!




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